Like this one. They were wedged together on the seat, and it was impossible not to feel the length of his muscled thigh pressed up against her. The fact that Sabrina had no desire to escape this particular tight spot was a shocking but not unexpected revelation.

“May I remind you that I was also respecting Tilly’s wishes? She made a point of asking me to come alone.”

“And wasn’t that a good decision?” he sarcastically replied.

She pointed a gloved finger at his nose. It was a very nice nose, long and aquiline and as arrogant as the rest of him. She was tempted to kiss it, too.


“I was in complete control of the situation this morning.”

“And would you have been in control when Old Bill stormed in?”

“Of course not,” she replied, trying to be fair. “But we would have been gone by then. Your arrival was the cause of our delay.”

His retort was delayed by a sharp turn that threw her halfway across his lap. When Graeme muttered a curse, she felt her cheeks flame with heat—and not from his salty oath. No, it was the state of his lap that startled her. What she felt there was shockingly prominent. It seemed a bizarre reaction to an argument, although Sabrina had to confess to ignorance in such matters.

Letting out an aggrieved sigh, he set her away from him. In the confines of the carriage, it was barely an inch between them.

“Sorry,” he said.

She thought it best to misunderstand him. “Apology accepted. As I said, without your interruption, Tilly and I would have been gone before Bill arrived.”

“Did it never occur to you that Old Bill might have followed you? He’d have surely guessed Tilly’s intentions. Then what?”

Sabrina opened her mouth to reply but realized that he was correct—again.

“I do wish we knew his last name,” she said. “It’s ridiculous to keep referring to the man as Old Bill.”

“Lass, can youneverask for help?” Graeme said, exasperated.

She hesitated. “Not very easily, I admit. I’ve been running my father’s household since I was fifteen. I’m used to making decisions on my own.”

“You might try it now and again. Just for the novelty, if nothing else.”

So much for her olive branch. “Really, Mr. Kendrick. I find you quite rude.”

“And ye’ll find somethin’ else if ye keep tryin’ my patience.”

“What, pray tell, is that?” she snapped back.

He clamped one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her shoulder and pulled her in. They were so close that her eyes crossed as she tried to focus on his irate but excessively handsome features.

“This,” he growled.

His mouth took her with a gentle ferocity that soon stunned her into limpid compliance. It was a sensual plundering, and one she had no desire to resist. His lips moved with searing demand, taking exactly what he wanted—which was exactly what she wanted to give. Sabrina melted into his embrace, opening to his kiss with an eagerness that was quite shocking on her part.

She’d been kissed a few times, stolen pecks behind a potted plant or after a waltz, from suitors more nervous than she. But those experiences barely registered, not when compared to the sensual storm that was Graeme Kendrick.

With a happy sigh, Sabrina snuggled against his brawny chest, letting the storm wash over her. His kisses were hungry, ravishing yet tender, so tender she felt a momentary prickle of tears. But then he deepened the kiss, sucking on her lower lip before giving it a nip that sent a shiver coursing through her body.

Hesitantly, Sabrina moved her lips over his, tasting him back. She was inexperienced, but he was wicked temptation itself, thrilling her to the marrow of her bones. Graeme was turning her life upside down, obliterating her comfortable, safe existence.

Thank God.

They were like chalk and cheese in so many ways, and yet somehow they seemed right.

Growing bold, she teased him with the tip of her tongue. He groaned, the sound a low rumble as he pulled her halfway onto his lap. She dug her fingers into his neckcloth, eagerly opening to his exploration, oblivious to everything but the feel of his mouth and the brawny body wrapped around hers.