“Of course.” Graeme leaned over, so he and Tilly were on eye level. “You have more options than you think, lass. You and Charlie can have a good and proper life together. Aden and Vivien can help you figure out what that might look like and keep you safe, too.”

Tilly scrunched her mouth sideways for a few moments before glancing down the lane. “All right, but we can’t stand around here jawin’ about it. No tellin’ when Bill gets back on our trail.”

Graeme straightened. “Splendid. We’ll figure out the arrangements later. Meanwhile, do you have someplace to hole up?”

“We can stay with Emmy. We’ll be safe there, for now.”

“Be off with you then. I’ll come to the Wee Black Dog in a few days and hammer out the details.”

Leave them unprotected until then? “I cannot feel comfortable with them staying there, Mr. Kendrick. The children would be safer with us.”

When Graeme shook his head, Sabrina wanted to whack him with her reticule.

Tilly also shook her head. “Nae, miss. We’ll be better with Emmy. She’ll see to us.”


“They’ll need some money,” Graeme said, cutting Sabrina off.

The children looked at her with wide, expectant eyes. Silently fuming, Sabrina extracted a few guineas from her change purse.

“Coo,” said Charlie in a reverent voice.

“Have Emmy buy you some new clothing. You’ll need it for London.” Sabrina shot Graeme a scowl. “Of course, I could have—”

The coins disappeared inside Tilly’s coat. “Thanks, miss, for everything.”

She threw her arms around Sabrina’s waist and gave her a brief, fierce hug before taking her brother’s hand. They ran down the lane into a narrow close, disappearing from sight.

Sabrina rounded on Graeme. “That was decidedly unhelpful of you.”

“Which part? When I saved you from Bill? Or when I got Charlie out of that bloody orphanage? Or when I’ll be making arrangements for them to go to Aden and Vivien?”

Well, that was annoying. True, but annoying.

“And I did not appreciate your order to remain in the parlor,” she said, switching tack. “I am not a child, Mr. Kendrick. I do not wish to be bossed like one.”

He began leading her toward the main thoroughfare. “I was trying to protect you. That damned place was not something any gently bred young lady needed to see.”

“I appreciate the sentiment. But I decide what I need to see, not you.”


She pulled her arm from his loose grasp. “My entire existence has been sheltered and comfortable, while children like Tilly and Charlie . . .” Her throat went tight.

Graeme took her hand and gently tucked it into the crook of his elbow. “I understand, lass. You feel helpless.”

“Incredibly helpless,” she said with a little growl.

“As do I, at times. But there is much you can do to help.” He glanced down at her with a lopsided smile. “You’ve got quite a pile of blunt at your disposal. Use that to make a difference.”

“And I will, starting withthatdreadful place. The superintendent is clearly not a good man.”

“Och, I’ll be talking to Nick about the orphanage. He’ll see to it.”

“And Old Bill? Will you take care of that?”

“Old Bill’s criminal reign will soon be coming to an end.”