Her cynical nonchalance broke Sabrina’s heart. “Because you talked to us yesterday?”

“Aye. One of the other kids saw and grassed me out. Ol’ Bill said he needed to make an example of me.”

Sabrina gripped her mug. “But why?”

Tilly’s pale blue eyes glittered with hatred. “I’m supposed to give everythin’ to him, but I kept the money yer bloke gave me.” The anger in her gaze suddenly turned into a shimmer of tears. “Now I can’t get Charlie out.”

“He’s holding your brother over your head.”

“I’m his best earner, miss. He don’t want me leavin’ him.”

Sabrina stared at Tilly’s pinched, bruised face. These last few months were teaching Sabrina a hard lesson. For too long, she’d lived in a charming but utterly useless world. Now she intended to change that.

“We’ll finish our breakfast, and then we’re going to the Courts to speak with a constable or a magistrate. Then we’re—”

Tilly’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. “No! I ain’t no snitch.”

Sabrina covered the girl’s hand. “I understand you’re afraid, but you cannot let that horrible man continue to abuse you. He’s a criminal, Tilly. He belongs in jail.”

“I’m bent too, miss. They’ll putmein jail, or the workhouse.” She grimaced. “And how long do ye think I’ll last once it gets out that I snitched on Bill?”

Sabrina fought down a rising sense of frustration. She was in completely over her head. If only Graeme were—

No. She would take care of this. She would make a difference in this child’s life.

“Tilly, what exactly do you want from me?”

The girl didn’t hesitate. “I need ye to help me spring Charlie from the orphanage. We need to do it this mornin’, afore Bill gets wind of it.

“He’ll take my brother, if we’re not quick about it,” the girl added. Her thin fingers tightened around Sabrina’s wrist. “I’ll pay ye back, miss, I promise. And . . . and I’ll pay for that hanky I stole, too.”

“Tilly, I don’t care about the money or the kerchief. But will they give Charlie to you? You’re just a child.”

“That’s why I need ye to come with me. They’ll spring him if yer with me.”

Sabrina doubted the process would be that simple. Nothing about this so far had been simple. Still, she had to try.

“Very well, although I’m not quite sure how to go about such things.”

And what would happen to the children afterward. She’d like to take them back to Heriot Row, but doubted Tilly would agree.

The girl smiled, then winced a bit and touched her cheek. “Never fear, miss. I has a plan.”

“Which is?”

“I’m takin’ Charlie to London. We’ll lay low for a day or two, then head south.”

Sabrina could feel her eyes bugging from her sockets. “Absolutely not.”

“Keep yer voice down,” Tilly hissed.

Sabrina leaned across the table. “I am not tossing you from the frying pan into the fire. We’ll get Charlie out of that orphanage, and then we’ll go back to Heriot Row. Mr. Kendrick will know what to do.”

Tilly shook her head. “Nah, I gots my own plan. Don’t need any nobs.”

Sabrina tapped her chest. “Apparently you need this nob.”

The girl winced.