Although the twins shared an incredibly strong resemblance, Sabrina could easily tell the difference between them. There was a brash, restless energy to Graeme, while his twin seemed quiet—almost solemn.

Until a few short months ago, Sabrina would have laid odds in a betting book that she’d have preferred quiet and solemn to brash and restless. The times had certainly changed.

Once Grant had settled in with a generous whisky and some sandwiches, the conversation again turned to the king’s visit. Lord Arnprior asked Sabrina a few gently pointed questions about His Majesty’s plans, which she found slightly puzzling. When she flashed Graeme a quizzical look, he simply returned a bland smile.

“I’m quite looking forward to seeing the king,” Ainsley said.

“You and half of Scotland,” Arnprior commented. “The city is bursting with visitors.”

“Let’s hope the other half are also looking forward to it,” Royal said. “And pray they don’t do something stupid.”

Sabrina frowned. “Are you expecting trouble? Everything seems quite well planned, from what the king told me.”

A sudden silence followed her remark. The various Kendricks exchanged more veiled glances.

“I’m sure everything will be perfectly fine,” Arnprior said.

“More tea, anyone?” Victoria brightly interjected.

That fact that Graeme was avoiding Sabrina’s eye confirmed for her that there was a problem involving the king’s visit. It was a very good thing then, that she loved solving problems.

Chapter Ten

With Nick at the port of Leith taking part in the arrival ceremony, it fell on Graeme and Royal to transport the family to Union Street for the king’s official entrance into the city. Given the massive crowds, getting there in time would be a challenge.

“Where is everyone?” Royal asked as he joined Graeme in the front hall. “If we’re late, Nick will kill us.”

“There was a bit of a brangle over Grandda’s choice of attire.”

“That sounds alarming.”

“I’m sure we’re in for a grand surprise. You, though, are entirely on point.”

Royal eyed the cockaded hat he loosely twirled on his hand. “Victoria has been nose-deep in that blasted pamphlet. She’d have my hide if I didn’t comply with her orders.”

Leaving nothing to chance, Sir Walter Scott had issued a pamphlet detailing the appropriate attire and conduct during the king’s visit. For the opening processional, “gentlemen of the city” had been instructed to wear blue coats, white waistcoats, and white cotton trousers. The finishing touch was to be a dark hat decorated with a patriotic cockade. Actual participants in the formal procession were dressed in more Highland traditional garb, as befitting the king’s Scottish escorts.

Royal eyed Graeme. “You, however, are not on point, and Victoria will not approve.”

Graeme had chosen plain attire to help him blend into the crowds of ordinary people. “Fortunately, I convinced her that it was my job to protect the king, not lark about in funny outfits.”

“One can hardly walk two feet without tripping over a soldier or a constable. It’ll be fine.”

Though it was a slight exaggeration, trouble did seem unlikely. Graeme had spent the last three days and a good part of each night roaming the more unsavory parts of town, his ear close to the ground. So far, he’d neither heard nor seen anything of real concern. Even Nick had suggested he was being over-cautious.

No point in taking risks, though. Besides, his work had the benefit of keeping him away from Sabrina, who was proving to be a challenge to his peace of mind.

“I’m sure you’re right,” he told Royal. “The biggest danger should come from getting squished by a gaggle of idiots or expiring of boredom waiting for theSassenachking.”

“There is nothing boring about the king’s visit,” Vicky said as she marched out from the back hall. “And I will have no more disrespectful chatter, Graeme Kendrick.”

He bit back a smile. “Yes, my lady.”

Vicky was as nervous as a cat in a thunderstorm. She would be meeting her father for the first time, a man who just happened to be the monarch.

His sister-in-law frowned. “Where are the others? Iwillleave without them, if necessary.”

Ainsley appeared at the top of the staircase. “I’m here. And Sabrina—”