“Unfortunately, your scapegrace brother didn’t know about her ladyship’s visit until she stepped off the bloody boat,” Graeme sardonically replied.

Arnprior’s eyebrows ticked up a notch, although whether it was in response to his brother’s tone or that tidbit of information, Sabrina didn’t know.

Fortunately, the butler and the tea trolley arrived, and the next few minutes were taken up with the dispensing of pastries and small sandwiches. When Graeme handed her a full plate, Sabrina didn’t even pretend to object. She was famished, and he knew it.

He seemed to know all sorts of things about her, and had since the moment they met. It was both annoying and flattering.

“How was the Regalia Ceremony, dear?” Victoria asked. “Poor Sir Walter seemed quite anxious about it when we spoke last week.”

“It was an immensely ridiculous spectacle,” Arnprior replied. “I’ve never seen so many oddly dressed Highlanders in my life.”

“That’s because many of them weren’t really Highlanders,” Graeme said.

“It sounds quite jolly, if you ask me,” Ainsley said.

Arnprior grimaced. “Sadly, there was a mishap. In the crush, one of the viewing stands collapsed. There were some injuries.”

“How dreadful!” Victoria exclaimed.

“And that, my love, is exactly why you’re not to attend any of these events during the king’s visit,” he said. “I’ll not have you putting yourself at risk.”

“I can’t avoid everything,” Victoria protested. “The king won’t like it.”

“I don’t give a tinker’s damn about the king,” replied her protective husband. “He can get crushed by the mob, but my wife will not.”

“His Majesty specifically told me he was looking forward to seeing her ladyship at the reception at Holyrood and at the two balls to be held at the Assembly Rooms.” Sabrina smiled at Arnprior. “The guest lists for those events are tightly controlled. No mobs allowed.”

“Victoria will be well guarded, Nick,” Graeme said. “My word on it.”

The brothers exchanged what Sabrina could only describe as a meaningful look before Arnprior gave a nod and went to fetch a whisky.

“Bossy man,” Victoria muttered.

“Was Grant with you?” Royal asked Arnprior. “I thought he’d be back by now.”

“He was near the collapsed stand, and he helped to pull out the victims. He arrived home a few minutes ago, and went directly up to change.”

Graeme instantly rose. “I’d best check on him.”

He was halfway across the room when a man who was quite obviously Grant Kendrick came through the door. The brothers exchanged a brief hug, although Graeme kept a protective hand on the back of his twin’s neck.

“All right, lad?” Graeme asked.

Grant mustered a smile. “I’ll survive.”

Graeme’s sharp gaze flickered over him. “No damage done?”

“Not to me. Others weren’t so fortunate.”

“We’ll talk later. For now, come and have a drink and meet our guest.”

Sabrina rose to her feet.

“Lady Sabrina Bell,” Graeme said, “allow me to introduce my brother, Grant.”

Grant bowed over her hand with a polite smile. “It’s a pleasure, my lady.”

She smiled back. “Likewise, sir.”