Ainsley perked up. “Goodness, how dreadful. I imagine such sad events might be rather gruesome.”

Graeme gave an insouciant shrug. “Hard to say what might happen to him over there.”

Royal’s gaze narrowed on his brother. “No suspicion can come back on my wife or the family.”

Ainsley patted his arm. “Don’t be silly, darling. Aden excels at this sort of business.”

“Yes, he’s exceptionally talented in that respect,” Victoria ruefully said.

Sabrina mentally blinked at the extraordinary and rather bloodthirsty conversation.Forthrightdidn’t even begin to describe the Kendrick family.

Royal’s gaze, as sharp as broken glass, stayed on his brother. “I mean it. No repercussions for Ainsley.”

Graeme’s equally sharp gaze didn’t waver. “Obviously, although I have no idea what you’re talking about. In fact, this conversation never happened at all.”

When he cast Sabrina a challenging look, she returned a bland smile. “Did you say something, sir? You do tend to rattle on, so I regret to say that my mind was wandering.”

While the others chuckled, Graeme shook his head. “I’ve noticed how rarely you listen to me.”

“But in this case, I actuallyamlistening to you.”

“Don’t make it a habit, or I won’t know how to manage you,” he replied with a slight smile.

Sabrina felt her cheeks heat up. “As I believe I’ve mentioned, I do not require managing.”

“That’s the spirit, Sabrina,” Ainsley said. “Kendrick men can be so bossy and interfering.”

“We’re only that way because we want to protect our lassies.” Royal winked at Graeme. “Right, lad?”

“I never boss anyone,” Graeme replied. “I’m completely easygoing.”

Sabrina choked on her sherry.

“Go down the wrong way?” he politely asked.

“Something like that,” she hoarsely replied.

Victoria hauled herself up. “Now that we’ve got the most pressing issues sorted, and determined that Graeme isnotbossy, I’d best see what’s become of our tea.”

“The tea tray will be arriving shortly,” said a distinguished-looking man as he entered the room. “There was a minor fracas in the kitchen, thanks to one of the dogs, but Henderson has restored order.”

The new arrival had to be Lord Arnprior himself—a handsome man with startlingly blue eyes and jet-black hair.

Victoria heaved a sigh. “Angus promised he would keep those silly dogs under control if they came with us. I suppose I should go speak with him. Again.”

Her husband bent to kiss her on the nose. “No, you will sit down and rest.”

Her smile was wry. “Nicholas, I do nothing but rest.”

Lord Arnprior steered his wife back to the sofa. “And you will continue to rest, my love.”

Once his wife was seated, he smiled at Sabrina. “We have a visitor, I see.”

“Allow me to introduce Lady Sabrina Bell,” Victoria said. “Lady Sabrina, this is my husband, Lord Arnprior.”

Sabrina rose and curtsied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Please forgive the unexpected intrusion.”

He bowed. “You’re most welcome, although I regret that my scapegrace brother failed to inform us of your impending visit. Had I known, I would have returned home earlier.”