Victoria winked at Sabrina. “Just an average day in Clan Kendrick, as you’ll soon find.”

Goodness.They were certainly a forthright and highly informal family.

Royal drew his wife back to the sofa. “You’re scandalizing our guest, love. I’m fine, and I don’t think we need to air all our dirty laundry at once.”

“You couldn’t. There’s far too much of it,” Graeme said, strolling over to fetch a glass of whisky from the mahogany sideboard.

Sabrina rose to join him.

“Would you like something to drink, my lady?” he politely asked her.

“A glass of sherry, if I may.”

A slow smile lurked at the corners of his mouth. It was quite a firm mouth, but very attractive.

“Not something stronger? You might need it to survive my family.”

She smiled. “Actually, I find them refreshing.”

The hint of amusement turned into a grin. “Yes, Ainsley is exceedingly refreshing.”

“Especially with you.”

“Oh, she specializes in that.”

He handed Sabrina a diamond-faceted wineglass containing a generous pour of sherry. As it was barely midday, this was another indication that Kendricks did everything on a large scale.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome.” His gaze warmed with a look that pleasantly muddled her insides. “But if you’re staying any length of time in Scotland, you’ll need to start drinking whisky, like a proper Scottish lass.”

“I suppose you’re right. If I wish to do things properly, that is.”

The emerald glitter of his mesmerizing gaze positively dazzled her for a moment. Then he blinked and seemed to withdraw, as if mentally closing the shutters.

“And yet I expect that you won’t be staying long,” he said. “Going back with the king, no doubt.”

“Oh, yes. I suppose so.”

They stood awkwardly until Graeme made a vague gesture toward the others. “Would you like to sit? A full tea tray is on its way up. I’m sure you must be famished.”

And they say women are changeable.

One moment, Graeme had smiled at her with the warmth of a summer sunrise. The next, he’d grown coolly formal. And he wasnota formal man.

Well, she refused to be daunted by his erratic behavior.

“First, I want to ask you about your grandfather,” she said. “I feel terrible that I upset him.”

“I’m just sorry you were on the receiving end of an Angus eruption. Those are not pleasant.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Eruption, is that what you call it? It was certainly colorful.”

“It was one of his better ones.”

So colorful, in fact, that Graeme had been forced to intervene, although initially without success. Only his threat to toss Mr. MacDonald out of the carriage had finally taken some of the wind out of the old fellow’s sails.

When Sabrina had tried to apologize for bearing such bad news, the old man had tersely informed her that it was “nae her fault” and then had fallen into a brooding silence. Graeme had tried to alleviate the tension by pointing out various sights on the way to Heriot Row.