“You’ll see,” his brother grimly replied.

Carrying a large bandbox, Hannah tottered up to them. “My lady, please don’t ever make me get on a boat again. That was the worst—”

Hannah broke off with a shriek and dropped the bandbox. “Not him!”

Graeme let out an audible sigh as he picked up the box.

“Hannah, there is no need for dramatics,” Sabrina said. “Please recall that Mr. Kendrick did not push me into the river but rather pulled me out.”

Royal threw his brother a startled glance. “Someone pushed her ladyship into the water?”

Their grandfather frowned at Graeme. “Och, lad. Upsettin’ for both of ye, I ken.”

“It was fine,” Graeme tersely said. “She wasn’t injured.”

“That water was quite shallow,” Sabrina added.

“But don’t forget you was robbed, miss,” Hannah unhelpfully said.

“I need to have a quick chat with the steward overseeing the king’s baggage,” Graeme hastily interjected. “And someone needs to sort out her ladyship’s things and assist her maid. Angus?”

“I’m sure ye can take care of all that,” the old man said with an airy wave. “I’ll stay and keep her ladyship company.”

Graeme’s gaze went flinty. “Listen, Grandda—”

“Nae, lad. Off with ye, now.” Mr. MacDonald made a shooing motion.

“Hannah, please go with Mr. Kendrick,” Sabrina said, hoping to forestall an argument.

“Oh, my lady, are you sure you can’t go with me?” Hannah plaintively asked as she gingerly accepted the bandbox from Graeme.

“I can help your maid,” Royal said. “That way Graeme can finish his business, and then escort you and Angus back to Heriot Row.”

Graeme looked visibly relieved, as did Hannah. In fact, she was now staring at Royal Kendrick with a dazzled expression. While he was very appealing in a dark and dramatic fashion, Sabrina preferred Graeme’s rugged good looks.

“Thanks, old man,” Graeme said.

Royal took the bandbox from Hannah with a wry smile.

As they walked away, with the maid enthusiastically chattering to her escort, Sabrina regretfully crinkled her nose. “I do apologize. Hannah’s a good girl, if a bit flighty.”

“Och, that’s nothing new for our Royal,” Mr. MacDonald said. “A charmer, he is. Unlike someone else, ye ken.”

That someone’s expression was positively thunderous, so another intervention was in order. “I do hope I won’t be an inconvenience to your family. Are you sure you have room for me?”

Mr. MacDonald smiled. “Not to worry, lass. We’ll squeeze ye in.”

“We can give her your room,” Graeme said in a blighting tone, “and you can sleep in the mews. Now, make yourself useful and take Lady Sabrina to the carriage. Both of you need to sit quietly and wait for me. And stay out of trouble.”

Well, that was a bit much.

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” she said firmly.

“That remains to be seen.” Graeme stalked off.

“Huh.” Mr. MacDonald shook his head. “The laddie seems a mite fashed with ye.”

She sighed. “I do seem to have that effect on him.”