Rather than staying at Holyrood, the king would take up residence with the Duke of Buccleuch, in his palace just outside the city. Sabrina knew some had been disappointed in that decision, but the king’s personal comfort trumped other considerations.

“Aden is clear that you’re to stay at Heriot Row for the duration of His Majesty’s stay,” Graeme said.


“Lass, the king won’t even be arriving for another three days,” Graeme said more gently. “It wouldn’t be proper for you to stay at Dalkeith with only the staff.”

It was thelassthat did it. Sabrina found herself quite unable to resist him when he called her that.

“Well, if you think—”

“I do think. Aden also made it clear that I’m to keep an eye on you. To keep you out of trouble.”

Her warm feelings abated a jot. “I do not need a baby-sitter.”

“Oh, really?”

This wasnotgoing as she had envisioned. “Regardless of St. George’s instructions, which of course I am not obliged to follow, I will be staying with the king.”

He scowled. “The king is hardly a proper chaperone, and you clearly need one.”

“Now you’re being ridiculous. I’m his goddaughter, as you well know. And you needn’t make me sound like a . . . a loose fish.”

She could practically hear him grinding his teeth. “No, but you have a knack for stumbling into villains and ending up at gunpoint.”

Mr. MacDonald perked up. “Gunpoint, eh? What happened?”

“Nothing, really,” Sabrina said. “I simply waited for Mr. Kendrick to rescue me.”

“Ye didna faint, or screech like a barn owl?”

Sabrina frowned. “What would be the point of that?”

The old fellow gave her an approving nod. “Sounds like ye’ll fit right in with the rest of us.”

“This is a deranged conversation.” Graeme turned to inspect the massive pile of baggage on the docks. “We need to sort out her ladyship’s trunks and have them transferred to Heriot Row.”

Sabrina tried one more time. “I still think—”


There was obviously no point in fighting the pigheaded man. Besides, it might be rather fun to stay with the Kendricks. Evidence suggested they were the opposite of boring.

Sabrina was so tired of boring.

And you’ll be closer to Graeme.

She ignored that prompt from the little devil sitting on her shoulder. “Very well, but you needn’t worry about my baggage. Hannah will take care of it.”

Graeme spun back on his heel, looking aghast. “You brought Hannah with you?”

“Of course. I couldn’t travel without another female in attendance.”

“I thought we agreed you needed a more capable maid.”

“She’s perfectly capable. Ah, there she is.” Sabrina waved a hand.

“What’s wrong with the maid?” Royal asked.