“Oh, Lady Purcell can be a bit of a trial. She never stops talking about her various ailments, especially her bunions. She and my father are fast friends.”
Lady Hunter laughed. “Thankfully, she’s making a generous donation to my charity, so I’m grateful for that.”
Sabrina was about to reply when she spotted Graeme. He slipped quietly into the room, attracting little attention. It was quite the feat given his impressive size and the shock of gorgeous red hair her fingers simply itched to stroke.
As she watched him, it seemed as if no one but herdidnotice him. His actions weren’t exactly furtive, but . . .
“What is he doing?” she muttered.
Lady Hunter glanced across the room. “Ah, I wondered when Graeme would appear.”
“He’s acting quite mysteriously.”
Her ladyship lowered her voice. “It’s his job to act mysteriously, as you know. I was surprised to hear that he confided in you.”
“He didn’t. I guessed it.”
Lady Hunter’s delicate eyebrows shot up. “You did?”
“He tried to deny it at first.”
“One tends not to advertise such things.”
“I won’t say a word, I promise,” Sabrina earnestly replied.
“I’m sure Graeme trusts you. He would have refused to admit to anything if he didn’t.”
“Do you think he’s, um, working tonight?”
“Just as a precaution. There is no need to worry.”
Sabrina’s gaze once more returned to the handsome Scot, who was discretely but thoroughly patrolling the saloon. She marveled at how he managed to do it without drawing any attention.
“I never see him at social events,” she said.
“Aden keeps him busy.”
“That’s quite a shame.” Sabrina grimaced, mortified by the admission. “What I mean, is—”
Lady Hunter smiled. “Graeme is handsome and very charming when he’s not being so serious. Heshouldsocialize more, especially with a lovely young woman such as yourself.”
“Oh, I don’t think—”
Vivien St. George suddenly appeared out of the crowd. “Ah, there you are. It’s such a mad crush, isn’t it?” She gave Sabrina a quick, verbena-scented hug. “You look splendid, dearest. Quite the prettiest girl here.”
Sabrina smiled. “No, that would be you.”
Vivien scoffed. “Flatterer. Would you mind if I stole Chloe for a moment? We have a minor crisis with the program that simply must be sorted before the interval ends.”
Lady Hunter frowned. “I don’t wish to leave Sabrina alone. Lord Musgrave would never forgive me.”
“I’ll be fine,” Sabrina quickly said. “Several of my friends are right over there. I can go up with them.”
Lady Hunter looked doubtful but acquiesced. “Go right back to the box, all right?”
“I promise.”
“Chloe, disaster looms,” prompted Vivien.