“None at all, I’m afraid.”

“That will never do,” Father sternly replied. “You must have a focus, or you will simply flounder.”

While her father commenced peppering Sir Dominic with questions, Sabrina followed Lady Hunter into the hall behind the private boxes.

“Your husband is a prince among men,” Sabrina said.

Lady Hunter laughed. “In more ways than you know.”

They joined the line of chattering theatergoers heading down to the saloon.

“Well, thank you again for asking us. I know Father can be a bit of a trial. His health is indifferent, and that makes him fretful.”

“The honor is ours. As I mentioned, Vivien has a great deal of respect for you, as does Graeme.”

Sabrina wrinkled her nose. “I suspect Mr. Kendrick finds me a nuisance.”

“I doubt that.”

“He was quite annoyed when last I saw him.”

“As I mentioned, he’ll get over it.”

Sabrina didn’t understand why she hoped that he did quite so much. They weren’t likely to see very much of each other. She lived a lovely but conventional life within the confines of Mayfair, while he obviously lived another kind of life entirely.

“I take it that Mr. Kendrick’s family rarely travels to London,” she commented as she and Lady Hunter slowly followed a pair of bombazine-clad matrons down the stairs.

“Lord and Lady Arnprior prefer to spend most of their time at Castle Kinglas or at their mansion in Glasgow.”

“A castle in Scotland sounds so romantic,” Sabrina wistfully replied. “I would love to visit someday.”

“Then you should certainly make the trip. The Kendricks would love to meet you, I have no doubt.”

Sabrina mentally blinked. “But I don’t even know them.”

“You know Graeme, and Aden is Lady Arnprior’s brother. The Kendricks would be delighted to have you visit with them.”

It seemed an odd thing to say, but perhaps Lady Hunter was simply being polite. “My father rarely travels outside London anymore, and then only to our estate near Oxford.”

“You never go north to Bellwood Manor?”

“Father now finds the journey too taxing, unfortunately.”

She loved the old northern manor, and perhaps someday she would travel there by herself, despite her father’s objections.

“Your mother’s family is from Scotland, I believe?” Lady Hunter said.

“Yes, she was a member of Clan Chattan. She left our family a small estate just south of Inverness. I hope to see that someday, too.”

Her ladyship cast Sabrina a thoughtful glance. “We must see what we can do about that. You would love Scotland, I’m sure of it.”

Sabrina was spared a reply by the bustle in the saloon, especially around the refreshments table, where liveried footmen handed out beverages and ices. An acquaintance snagged Lady Hunter, so Sabrina squeezed by a portly old gentleman to snag a glass of champagne. Two friends across the room waved for her to join them, but she wasn’t in the mood for chitchat. She preferred to amuse herself by watching the crowd.

Silly, you’re looking for him.

But she wasn’t seeing him, which was annoying.

Lady Hunter joined her with a glass of punch. “I’m absolutely parched, and Lady Purcell always rattles me. I’m terribly bad at socializing.”