“No bogged down by that rig. That cloak must weigh twenty pounds by now.”

“Perhaps you haven’t noticed that we’re both standing on the bottom. The Serpentine’s not very deep at this end of the park.”

Graeme looked down. He was only submerged to his waist, while the water reached her chest.

“It’s deeper further out, but I only went under because he pushed me so hard,” she said. “I was quite safe at all times.”

Graeme couldn’t help feeling annoyed. “To me, it looked like you were drowning. Anyone would have assumed that youweredrowning.”

“I was just surprised, that’s all. But of course there was no way for you to know that,” she hastily added.

He was beginning to get the sense that she thought him rather dim-witted. “It’s not as if genteel ladies make a habit of paddling around in the Serpentine.”

She nodded. “Correct. Having said that, do you think we could get on with the rescue?”

Apparently, hewasa dimwit. “My apologies.”

The lass shoved the wreck of her coiffure out of her eyes. “I’d like to get out of here before anyone sees us.”

“Little chance of being seen with this weather.”

A quick glance around the park confirmed it remained deserted. Even the men of the Royal Humane Society had failed to put in an appearance, despite all the watery flailing about. The small building on the opposite side of the Serpentine was staffed at all hours in the event a hapless Londoner needed rescuing. In this case, it probably hadn’t occurred to the staff that anyone would be larking about on so dismal a morning.

Whythisparticular woman was larking about was the question. Because of her, Graeme had lost his thief. Again. And that wasincrediblyannoying.

“Thank goodness,” she said. “Naturally, I’m grateful for your help, but it might have been better if you hadn’t come along at all.”


He planted one hand on the embankment, keeping hold on her with the other. “How awkward of me. Thoughtless, really.”

She crinkled her nose. “I just sounded rude again, didn’t I?”

“Oh, not a bit.”

“I will need your help climbing out of the water,” she replied in an encouraging tone. “I’m positively waterlogged, and my fingers are rather chilled. Who knew the water would be this cold in the summer?”

It felt more like bath water to him, but he was a Highlander. He was used to mountain streams and lochs that could freeze the balls off a bull in August.

“Then let’s get you out. Are you sure you’ve got your footing?”

She shoved her sodden cloak back over her shoulders. “Since I am now standing barely chest-deep, I believe I can manage to stay upright.”

The mention of her chest naturally brought his gaze to that part of her anatomy. Her pale yellow dress was a sagging mess that exposed the tops of her stays. It also clung to what appeared to be a grand set of breasts—perfectly round and full. And she obviouslywaschilly, because even through the various layers of fabric, he could see the jutting of her pert nip—


Graeme jerked his head up to once again meet an irate peacock stare.

“Right,” he said briskly. “Let’s get to it.”

He vaulted up onto the embankment, inadvertently splashing her with yet more water. She spluttered indignantly as he reached down a hand.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

She wrapped her gloved fingers around his wrist. “I suppose you can’t help it, since youareexceedingly large.”

“Aye, that.”