“Well put,” St. George said in a dry tone. “Where is Lord Peregrim now?”

“Waiting for you in his study, sir.”

“Does Lady Peregrim know what happened?” Vivien asked.

Cooper grimaced. “She and her maid were just having a nice bit of hysterics together.”

“Oh, drat,” sighed Vivien.

Her husband cast her a look.

She flapped a hand. “All right. I’ll go up and deal with Lady Peregrim.”

“Do your best to keep her and the maid under wraps.”

Vivien gave Sabrina a hug. “I’ll talk to you later, my dear. Do go home and get some rest,” she said before hurrying off.

Graeme nudged the now faintly moaning Lord Cringlewood. “Want me to take care of this idiot?”

“Cooper will see to it. You’re not to go near the marquess again,” St. George ordered.

“I wasn’t looking for a fight, you know.”

“And yet one found you, anyway,” St. George replied. “As usual.”

“Then whatdoyou want me to do,” Graeme said, his frustration evident.

“Get Lady Sabrina home, quickly and quietly. Take my carriage.”

“That won’t be necessary. . . . Oh, bother.” Sabrina sighed at St. George’s retreating back.

“Sure you don’t need my help?” Graeme asked Cooper, who’d crouched down to inspect Cringlewood.

“Nay, sir. Best get the lady home, like the captain said.”

“I don’t need anyone togetme home,” Sabrina protested.

Graeme took her arm. “Come along, you.”

He marched her to the terrace steps. She had to scramble to keep up with him.

“Sir, I am not a racehorse.”

“Oh, sorry. I keep forgetting you’re such a dab little thing.”

“I am not,” she indignantly replied.

He led her up the stairs and across the terrace.

“I expect most everyone seems small to you,” she added as he ushered her into the thankfully deserted corridor. “You’re a giant.”

“Not really. My brother Logan is taller than I am.”

“I do hope he has better manners.”

“Worse. We’re a fairly blunt lot.”

Sabrina was starting to develop a stitch in her side from all the rushing about. “Then I shall hope never to meet any of them.”