He headed down the steps, Sabrina in his wake.

A wide grass path ran parallel to the bushes. It was easy enough to locate Cringlewood, since he was still making an unholy amount of noise as he thrashed his way out of the dense shrubbery.

“A little less commotion might be appropriate, Lord Cringlewood,” Sabrina said in a disapproving voice. “If anyone comes outside, they’re bound to hear you.”

The marquess finally tore free of the thorny rosebushes and staggered out. His clothes were a disaster, and even as dark as it was, Sabrina could see numerous scratches on his face and hands.

Graeme glanced at her with a reluctant smile. “I admit you did roll him up.”

“I do try.”

“You’re insane,” Cringlewood hissed at her. “How dare you attack me?”

“My sister-in-law would ask you the same question.” Graeme’s tone carried a hard warning.

“Your sister-in-law is a whoring bitch.” Cringlewood then jabbed a finger at Sabrina. “As for this little piece, I’m guessing you already got under her skirts. Kendrick men have a—”

Graeme’s massive fist shot out like Thor’s hammer and connected squarely with Cringlewood’s jaw. The man collapsed without a sound.

Sabrina blinked. “Goodness, that was impressive.”

“I do try.”

“What in the bloody blazes is going on out here?”

Graeme sighed. “And the hounds of hell have been unleashed.”

Aden St. George stalked up to them, with Vivien scampering to keep up with her husband’s long strides.

Sabrina held up a hand. “No need to worry, sir. Everything is under control.”

St. George came to a halt, fists propped on his hips as he inspected the wreck of both Lord Cringlewood and Lady Peregrim’s prize rosebushes.

“You must have an unusual definition ofunder control, Lady Sabrina.” Then he shot an irate glance at Graeme. “Really?”

Graeme shrugged. “Not sure what else I was supposed to do.”

“You were supposed to let me handle it.”

Vivien elbowed her husband aside and laid a hand on Sabrina’s arm. “My dear, are you all right? Did Cringlewood hurt you?”

“The hurting went the other way, actually,” Graeme said.

“I may have given his lordship a nudge in the direction of the balustrade,” Sabrina admitted.

“Lass, you went at him like a battering ram, knocking him over.”

“Yes, but after he got out of the bushes,youhit him.”

“Only because the bastard was insulting you.”

“Language, dear boy,” Vivien said. “There are ladies present.”

St. George covered his eyes. “You’re all insane.”

“Insanely effective, if you ask me.” Vivien nudged the marquess with her daintily shod foot. “I fear his lordship may not be waking up anytime soon.”

“Well, I’ve got to get the blighter out of here before anyone sees him.” St. George scowled at Graeme. “But don’t think we won’t be having a further discussion about this.”