“Sorry about all that,” he quietly said.

“It couldn’t be helped, given his lordship’s behavior.” She darted Graeme a sideways glance. “But that dreadful little scene would not have occurred if you hadn’t decided to come to my rescue. I assume that’s what you were doing, wasn’t it?”

“I suppose.”

As far as rescues went, it wasn’t one of his better ones, since it had drawn a fat lot of attention. Aden would not approve, nor would Graeme’s family.

Jumped before you looked, as usual.

“What made you think I needed rescuing?” Sabrina inquired as they crossed into the hall. “After all, I was simply sitting in a drawing room, surrounded by other guests. It’s hardly the middle of a battlefield, or even Hyde Park in a rainstorm.”

For a moment, Graeme had the gruesome sensation that he’d made a capital blunder. “Oh. Well, you see—”

She huffed out an infectious chuckle. “I’m teasing, sir. As it happens, I was very happy to be rescued.”

He smiled with relief. “I suppose I earned a teasing, after the way I ordered you about in the park.”

“Nonsense. You were exceedingly kind and patient with me there.”

“I was?”

“Well, most of the time. You must admit, however, that it was a very embarrassing situation. I was not at my best.”

Graeme had a sudden mental flash of sodden clothing clinging to plump breasts. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”

Her smile turned quizzical. “Then you are a very kind man, Mr. Kendrick, since I cannot be counted as anything but a nuisance to you. And I’m sorry you were forced to put up with Lord Cringlewood’s rudeness.” She shook her head. “Honestly, what a dreadful man.”

“Och, lass, don’t worry about me. It was the poor lad I truly felt for.”

“Yes, I was angry about how he treated Reggie. His lordship was fortunate I didn’t throw a drink in his face.” She exhaled a sigh. “Now you know how rudeIcan be, as well as how poor a judge of character I am. You must bequiteshocked.”

“Utterly appalled. I feel faint with horror, if you must know.”

“I’m sure,” she replied, amused. “But you must also see that I’m perfectly capable of managing dreary Lord Cringlewood. The only true danger from him is being pestered to death. I suspect I shall have to speak strongly to him, at some point.”

Graeme held his peace until they entered the ballroom. Then he drew her behind the marginal shelter of a marble column.

She frowned. “Are we dancing, or was that simply a ruse?”

“We’ll dance in a moment. But first you must promise not to speak to Cringlewood again. In fact, avoid him completely, if possible.”

The lingering humor in her pretty gaze faded. “So, Vivien’s rather vague warning was not strong enough, I take it. What aren’t you telling me, Mr. Kendrick?”

“What did Vivien say?”

“Just that Lord Cringlewood was not a nice man, and that he was in financial straits. In fact, I’d already deduced that he was not a nice man—”

“Because he stood you up?”

A blush pinked up her elegant cheekbones. “It . . . it was partly that. But he never should have asked me in the first place, and I should never have agreed. I’m quite ashamed to have made such a blunder.”

“We all make mistakes.” That one, however, could have ruined her life.

“I don’t,” she said firmly.

Graeme bit back a grin. The lass had a full measure of confidence, and then some.

He waved a hand toward the dance floor, where the guests were taking their places for the second waltz of the evening.