“Bastard,” Graeme snarled.
Vivien nodded. “Indeed. I wasn’t sure what to say to Sabrina, other than to warn her about Cringlewood’s bad character. Since we need to protect Ainsley and Tira, I thought it best to avoid details until I spoke with you.”
“I wouldn’t put it past Cringlewood to lure her into a compromising situation,” Aden said. “Why else persuade her to meet him in Hyde Park at so early an hour?”
Rage flickered like sparks at the edges of Graeme’s vision. His sister-in-law had already suffered agonies at Cringlewood’s hands. He wouldnotallow that to happen to another woman.
“If that bloodySassenachking won’t deal with this, I will.”
When Graeme stood, Aden rose and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “If you try to charge out like an enraged bull, I swear I’ll lock you in the wine cellar.”
Graeme had no intention of brawling in front of Vivien or breaking any more of her furniture. But once he got out of this house . . .
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” Aden said, “and it’s not on.Iwill take care of Cringlewood.”
“Like ye did last time?” Graeme retorted. “Because that worked so well.”
“Oh, dear,” Vivien sighed. “My poor furniture.”
While Aden didn’t back down, his expression held more sympathy than reprimand. “I know how grim this is for you, lad. But if Cringlewood has friends at Court, anything you do to him wouldn’t help.”
“Tossing the blighter off a cliff would do the trick.”
“Graeme, you know Aden will take care of this,” Vivien said firmly as she came to join them.
“I’ll enlist Dominic,” Aden said. “Between the two of us, we’ll set it to right.”
Sir Dominic Hunter, England’s former spymaster and one of the most powerful men in theton, still exerted considerable influence within the royal family. It made sense to turn the matter over to him.
Graeme mentally balked. “I can’t sit around and do nothing.”
Aden lifted an eyebrow. “You still have a mission to complete, do you not?”
“The sooner you arrest the thieves, the happier the king will be. And a happy king means a pliant king.”
Graeme sighed. “If you put it that way, what choice do I have?”
“None,” Aden said, taking a step back. “Now go home, get some sleep, and then get back at it.”
Graeme shot his chief a hard look. “You’ll keep me apprised of the situation with Cringlewood?”
“You have my word.”
“You best, or I promise there will be hell to pay.”
Aden simply rolled his eyes.
Vivien snapped her fingers. “Oh, I do have a bit of good news, dearest. I received a letter from Mamma this morning. She’s coming to town for a visit, and she intends to stay with us.”
Graeme took advantage of the ensuing argument to slip from the room.
Chapter Four
Tucked behind the marble column, Graeme tried to fade into the background. It was something he achieved with far greater success among the criminal classes than in aristocratic ballrooms.
The initial plan had been to stake out this blasted affair disguised as a footman. But the silly livery and powdered wig probably wouldn’t do the trick of disguising him, not after that unfortunate incident at the Duchess of Leverton’s assembly a few months back where an expensive Chinese screen had ended up in pieces on the floor. TheSassenachwho’d picked the fight with him held the blame for that. The slimy toad had tried to fleece a sweet but slightly dotty dowager at cards, and Graeme had spotted the cheat. As discretely as possible, he’d dropped a warning whisper in the old gal’s ear.