“Throw it to him, lass,” Graeme said.

She was about to comply when Jackie’s hand emerged from his pocket. The cad pointed a pistol right at her.

Graeme cursed and lunged forward, but a man barreled out of the shed. The brute shoved Dickie aside and clamped a hand on Graeme’s shoulder, restraining him.

“Stand fast, ye bastard,” he barked.

Of course Jackie would have his men waiting in the shed. He was a criminal, but certainly not a stupid one.

Jackie waved the pistol at her. “Get over here.”

“Do as he says, Sabrina,” Graeme calmly said. “I promise it will be fine.”

She flashed him a shaky smile, then inched forward. Jackie clamped his hand around her wrist and yanked. She yelped, crashing into him, but the blasted man barely moved.

“If you harm even one hair on her head, Iwillkill you.” Graeme’s low, lethal snarl lifted the hairs on the back of Sabrina’s neck. Even Jackie looked disconcerted.

“I’ll nae be hurtin’ her. She’s just a little insurance till we get clear of ye.” He gave Sabrina a shake. “And stop wriggling aboot and open that damn purse, so I can have a look.”

While she complied, Chattan strolled over to the lantern that was perched on the crate. He fetched a small spill from his pocket, thrust it into the lantern’s flame, and then made a show of lighting his pipe. He’d overstuffed it, so sparks flew and the tobacco flared up.

It was the signal to the men out on the loch.

“Always knew ye were a fool, Jackie,” Chattan said, puffing away.

Jackie peered into Sabrina’s reticule, then gave a satisfied grunt and nodded at the man holding Graeme. “All right, Sam. Shove him down on that bench, and let’s be off.”

Jackie started to pull Sabrina toward the pier.

She resisted. “What are you doing?”

“Let her go,” Graeme barked. “Take me instead.”

“Och, I’m sick of the sight of ye, Kendrick.” Jackie dragged Sabrina toward the boat. “And I’ll nae be harmin’ her. We’ll let her off on the other side of the loch. Ye can fetch her when ye find a boat.”

Graeme was on his feet. Jackie’s accomplice leveled a pistol at him as he backed toward the pier.

“Stop, Graeme,” Sabrina yelled. “I’ll be all right.”

Actually, she was no longer certain of that. Still, she couldn’t allow Graeme to get shot trying to save her. With his hands tied, what could he do?

Where in God’s name was Royal?

“Sabrina.” Graeme’s face looked pale in the light of the lantern, his expression anguished.

“I’ll be all right,” she repeated.

“Dickie, untie the boat,” Jackie ordered.

The lad jerked forward, starting toward the pier.

“Don’t do it, boy,” Chattan said.

Dickie cast a panicked look at Jackie. “But—”

The old man smiled. “It’ll be fine, lad. Trust me.”

Dickie drew in a wavering breath and stared at his cousin. “I’ll nae be goin’ with ye.”