She walked over to the table and crossed her arms. “Magnus Barr, I presume.”

The young man scrambled up and bobbed his head. “Aye, my lady. Thank ye for comin’. I’m right sorry about all this.”

“As you should be. You’re very lucky that Mr. Brown vouched for you, or I’d have already turned you over to the law.”

Magnus breathed out a morose sigh. “I’d deserve it. Makin’ homebrew is one thing, but kidnappin’ and such? And my mam’s been after me to quit. She dinna like duffers and free traders, ye ken.”

“Your mother sounds very wise.”

“She’ll be givin’ me a worse lickin’ than this when she finds out what we done.”

“Did Graeme do that to you?” Royal asked.

“Aye. Mr. Graeme got me and Dickie both. Just about broke puir Dickie’s nutmegs.”

Sabrina frowned. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Never mind,” Royal hastily said. “Is my brother unharmed?”

“Oh, aye. Jackie did threaten to shoot him and dump him in the loch, but Dickie and me said nae. We couldna allow that.”

Sabrina pressed a hand to her temple. “Oh, thank God.”

Monroe, who’d also risen, touched her arm. “Sit ye doon, my lady.”

Sabrina sank gratefully into the empty seat, mustering a shaky smile for Mr. Chattan.

The old man regarded her thoughtfully before reaching across and patting her hand. “We’ll get yer man, my lady, never fear.”

“We’ll need Dunlaggan’s help.” She grimaced. “I know it’s a lot to ask, especially since . . .”

“Since yer da neglected us all these years?”

She nodded.

“And are ye thinkin’ of packing up and scampering back to England, or will ye be stayin’ here a spell?”

“No scampering anywhere, I promise.”

“Even with all the shootin’ and kidnappin’ and such?”

“We’re hoping to put an end to all that,” Royal said dryly.

“I wasna tryin’ to hit ye, my lady,” Magnus earnestly said. “I made sure my shots went wide.”

“Ye were the one shootin’ at Lady Sabrina?” Patty yelped. “Ye lumpen fool!”

“I said I made sure I missed her, ye ken!”

“The lad may not have much brain, but he’s a grand shot,” Chattan commented. “If he says he missed ye on purpose, he did.”

“Why did you shoot at me, Magnus?” Sabrina asked.

“Jackie wanted to scare ye away. Ye dinna seem like the scarin’ type, though.”

“You’re right about that. Now, can you tell me Jackie’s ransom demands?”

“Aye. Yer to bring the blunt to the shed on Loch Mashie, where we’ve been storin’ the goods. Then Jackie’ll let yer man go.”