
“I did plan to propose,” she admitted. “Which was rather forward of me.”

“Ye are a cheeky, managing type, ye ken.”

When she nipped his chest, he twitched again.

“And how long has this plan been in the works?” he asked in a husky murmur.

“Since that night at the theater, in London.”

This time, he went up on his elbow, dislodging her a bit. “Really?”

She wrinkled her nose. “I hope you don’t mind.”

He nudged her. “Do I feel like I mind?”

His erection had started to burgeon again. “You do not.”

“I’m surprised because I was a complete prat to you that night,” he said.

“Not so much then, although you were indeed a complete prat several times after that. I almost gave up, but I’m too stubborn to admit defeat.”

He huffed out a laugh before dropping his head back to the tumbled pillows. “I apologize for being such a thickhead, and for making it so hard on you.”

“Ainsley explained that Kendrick men are rather thickheaded when it comes to love, and that one must be persistent.”

“She’s not wrong. We’re not the easiest lot to manage.”

“I’m quite good at managing things, as you’ve learned.”

“Yes, and I’ve noticed you’re rather smug about it, too.”

She let out a dramatic sigh. “I’ll try not to betoomanaging.”

“Excellent, though I can think of one way you can manage me, any time.”

In an instant, Graeme had her on her back, bracing his arms around her shoulders. Sabrina gasped, her eyes going wide at the feel of his erection against her thigh.

“Already?” she squeaked.

“Well, I still have to get that scream out of you.”

He leaned down and nipped the tender skin of her neck. Sabrina moaned as desire ignited like dried kindling to a spark. When Graeme shifted, moving down her body, she arched her back and spread her arms wide, reveling in the luxurious sensations—

A sharp, ominous crack sounded above them. Graeme jerked up to stare at the heavy wooden canopy over their heads.

“What the—”

As another crack rent the air, Graeme wrapped himself around Sabrina and rolled them right off the bed. They crashed to the floor in the span of a breath before the entire canopy detached from the posts and fell with the screech of splintering wood. The bedposts flew outward, landing on the floor with a resounding thud.

Sabrina lay on top of him, stunned but unharmed. When he’d rolled them off, he’d cushioned her fall with his body.

“Are you all right?” Her voice came out in a screech.

He blinked up at her. “I think so.”

“Did you hit your head?”