He set her down on the high mattress. “It doesn’t look comfortable at all. But I’m hoping we’ll find an appropriate strategy.”

She circled her arms around his neck as he untied the laces of her cap. “Do you have a specific plan in mind?”

“I’m a spy. I always have a plan.”

“Does that plan include a conclusion to your spying career?”

His smile was wry. “Sooner rather than later, I expect. That’s if your father doesn’t murder me first.”

“You leave Father to me. Now, tell me the rest of your plan.”

He went to work on the laces of her wrapper. “The first part is to get you out of all these frilly things. The second part is to make love to you for the rest of the night.”

Her heart thumped. “All night? Won’t you be exhausted in the morning?”

He flashed a wolfish grin as he began to ease the wrapper down her arms. “I’m prepared to make that sacrifice.”

Suddenly, she felt out of breath. “That’s quite no . . . noble of you.”

Graeme’s hands froze. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, really.”

Sabrina stood on the edge of a cliff, about to leap into a world that would forever change. It was thrilling but also daunting.

He grimaced. “I didn’t even ask you. You should give me a swift kick to the bollocks and shove me out of the room.”

She choked on a laugh. “That would hardly be helpful. I’ve always understood that injuries to certain parts of the male anatomy can be rather discouraging.”

“Downright deflating. But Iama cad for rushing you, love. I apologize.”

“No. I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

“Yes, but . . .”

Sabrina let out an exasperated sigh. “All right. Let me ease your maidenly qualms.”

“It’syourmaidenly qualms I’m worried about.”

“Shockingly, I don’t seem to have any.”

“Well, I do. I’m an exceedingly proper fellow, not to mention rather shy when it comes to this sort of thing.”

It was so ridiculous she was hard-pressed not to laugh. But it was also a moment too serious for laughter.

Sabrina took one of his hands between hers. It was big and calloused, the hand of a strong, competent man who would do anything to protect her and the family they would build together.

“Graeme Kendrick, will you marry me?” she asked.

His eyes glittered like polished emeralds. Then he blinked a few times and cleared his throat.

“Sorry, it’s rather dusty in here,” he gruffly replied.

“You are such a booby,” she tenderly said.

“It’s not every day a fellow gets proposed to by such a lovely lady. It’s . . . it’s . . .”

She raised an eyebrow. “Disconcerting?”