He extracted his pistol from the special leather sleeve strapped to the back of his waist.

Sabrina rummaged in a pocket and pulled out a small lady’s pistol.

Graeme blinked. “When did you get that?”

“After you were kidnapped. It seemed a sensible precaution.”

“Do you know how to use it?”

She rolled her eyes.

He snorted. “I’m hoping it won’t come to that. There’ve been no more shots, so perhaps our attacker has taken himself off.”

Thankfully, the shooter had not been much of a marksman either.

“He might be moving into a different position,” she warned.

Graeme hadn’t wanted to frighten her by mentioning that, but his lass was both smart and courageous. And while she was looking a bit pale, Sabrina was not the sort to succumb to hysterics.

“I don’t think we should stay here to find out,” she added.

“Agreed. We’ll try for the ditch by the—”

He broke off when he heard the sound of galloping horses.

Dammit.Was it to be a kidnapping then?

“Stay behind me,” he said as he checked his pistol and cocked the hammer.

“Graeme,” called a familiar voice. “Are you there?”

“Oh, thank God,” Sabrina muttered.

Graeme leaned out to look up the drive. “We’re here.”

Royal cantered up, cutting off the road to join them behind the shelter of the gatepost. He quickly dismounted.

“Did I bloody well hear shots?”

“You did,” Graeme replied. “Fortunately, they went wide.”

Royal cursed. “Bobby and I were cutting across the east meadow when we heard them. Then we saw your horses pelting up the drive. I told Bobby to round them up and stay clear until I got the lay of the land.”

“Mr. Kendrick, you could have been seriously hurt,” Sabrina said, perturbed.

Royal shook his head. “I got a good look as I came down the drive, and I saw no one.”

Graeme pointed to a stand of trees on the other side of the main road, about a hundred feet away. “I’m betting the shooter was there.”

Royal cocked a brow. “Want me to go take a look while you get Sabrina back to the house? You can take my horse.”

“I absolutely forbid it,” Sabrina said. “Ainsley might kill me if I put you in harm’s way.”

“Shewouldkill me,” Graeme said. “Besides, I think he’s gone. Your loudly announced heroic Highlander routine probably scared him off.”

“You’re welcome,” Royal sarcastically replied.

“Let’s get Sabrina back to the house,” Graeme said. “I don’t want to take any chances.”