“He’s too fashed to even let me step out of the blasted house. I suggested we go for a ride yesterday, and he all but bit off my head.”
“He can be an idiot, our Graeme.”
Sabrina mustered a smile. “I shouldn’t be ungrateful. He’s doing his best to protect me.”
“Then do somethinginsidethe house.”
“Such as?”
“Sneak into his bedroom and force him to be romantic.”
Sabrina couldn’t help laughing. “I think I’d best stick to my lists. How goes the battle with the water closets? You are an absolute angel for taking on that job.”
“Aren’t I, though? But I’m just supervising. Patty has been doing most of the work. That girl is both sturdy and good-tempered, which are excellent qualities when dealing with plumbing.”
“Still, I cannot thank you enough. It’s a rather gruesome job.”
“Sabrina, I lived in Canada. I had moose camped out in my garden. This is nothing.”
“Moose? That sounds alarming.”
“You have no idea. By the way, unlike everyone else at Lochnagar, Patty is quite talkative. I’ve gleaned quite a few interesting tidbits from her.”
Sabrina perked up. “Such as?”
“Why don’t we wait for the men to join us? They came in a few minutes ago, and Mrs. Wilson said she would provide a cold collation as soon as they washed up.”
Sabrina glanced at the clock, startled to see it was well past noon. “Goodness, I’d completely forgotten about food.”
“Understandable. You’ve been preoccupied with bringing this blasted house back from ruin. But you’re not to overdo it, my dear.” Ainsley waggled her brows. “Graeme won’t like that.”
“He’s barely been around to notice what I’m doing, the dratted man.”
“How annoying.” Ainsley reached for a cheddar and chive scone left over from breakfast. “I’ll say one thing for Mrs. Wilson. She’s an excellent baker.”
“Actually, Hannah made those. She’s been very eager to help in the kitchen.”
“No doubt because she wanted to avoid water closet duty.”
“We all wanted to avoid that. Fortunately, Hannah and Mrs. Wilson get along surprisingly well.”
“Because they both have gloomy temperaments, dragging doom around behind them like dirty dusters.”
“They’re not the only ones.”
“You’re referring to Graeme. In his case, the word is grumpy.”
“Or grouchy.”
Ainsley laughed. “Grouchy Graeme. That’s the perfect nickname. I can’t wait to start using it.”
Sabrina put up a hand. “Please do not. He’ll never talk to me again.”
“Who will never talk to you again?” Graeme asked.
She carefully put down her cup before turning to see him coming through the doorway, Royal right behind him.
Ainsley scrunched her nose. “Kendricks are always flitting about like ghosts instead of properly stomping in like the giants they are.”