“Father,” he slowly said.

“And how were those times? Did he act like you were a burden then?”

Graeme reached through the haze of time and sorrow to recover those moments. He remembered the praise from his father when he tied his first lure and caught his first pike. He remembered the rides on his little pony, Father patiently teaching him how to properly jump a fence. Memories lurked in that haze. Dim, but there.

“No, they were . . . nice times.”

“Father wanted us to be good men, good Highlanders. You were a bit of a challenge, so he was harder on you, although not as hard as he was on Logan. But Father loved us, laddie, in his own way. He truly did.”

“I guess I’d forgotten that.”

“There have been many rough years since, Graeme. It’s a wonder we can remember any good times.”

Graeme gazed at his brother, the kindest man he’d ever known. Royal had given up so much for his family. “Youremember.”

“I’m too stubborn to forget. And what I also haven’t forgotten is how much Mamma loved you.” Royal stood and pressed a hand to Graeme’s shoulder. “You were never a burden to her, my boy. Our mother loved us with all her heart and soul. That was her gift to the family. Do not dishonor her memory by thinking otherwise.”

He winced. “That’s what I’ve been doing, is it?”

“Aye, and running away from the rest of us.” Royal snorted. “All this spy business, lad. Time to give it up, ye ken.”

Graeme scowled, grateful for the chance to shove down the emotions that were choking him. He felt like he’d been drowning in bloody feelings since Sabrina had bulled her way into his room.

“It’s what I’m good at, ye ken,” he sarcastically replied. “What else can I do?”

“Sabrina might have a suggestion or two.”

“Oh, sod off.”

Royal laughed and headed for the door. “Actually, I’m off to bed. Dawn will come early, followed by another spectacular day on these deplorable Highland roads.”

“This mad scheme wasn’t my idea, remember?”

His brother paused, a hand on the doorknob. “One more thing.”

Graeme rolled his eyes. “Yes?”

“You’re good enough for anyone, including Lady Sabrina.”

Chapter Twenty

Sabrina winced as they rattled through another patch of dreadful road on the approach to Lochnagar Manor. Even their well-sprung carriage couldn’t smooth out the ride on lanes more suited to donkey carts.

Graeme peered out the window into the darkening gloom. “I see a stone gate up ahead. Looks like the entrance to a courtyard.”

Ainsley, leaning against her husband’s shoulder, sat up with a grimace. “Thank God. My backside has been screaming at me for hours.”

“You’ll feel better after a nice bath,” Royal said. “Then I’ll give you a soothing massage, if such treatment is necessary.”

“Darling, your massages tend to be rather more stimulating than soothing,” Ainsley flirtatiously replied.

Royal winked at her. “Exactly.”

“You two are revolting,” Graeme said.

“Ridiculous. We’re simply an old married couple,” Ainsley said. “Not even remotely revolting.”

Graeme cast Sabrina a sideways glance. “Her ladyship might think otherwise.”