“You are incredibly annoying,” he said, gently pressing her back into her seat. Much easier to think when he wasn’t touching her.

“Ha, so I’m right,” she replied.

“Only in this case. The type of work I do—”

She twirled a hand. “Yes, it can be dangerous, but Aden and Vivien manage it. Surely there are other spies who get married.”

“I’m not a spy,” he automatically said.

“Then there’s not a problem, is there?” she sweetly replied.

She was running rings around him. She was right that there were any number of agents who had families. Most of them had retired, however, or gone into other work. But he knew he was good at what he did—better than good—and he couldn’t think of a damn thing he could do with his life except . . .

Marry Sabrina.

“Your da is one,” he said. “He hates me. I’m Scottishanda younger son. With not a shilling to my name, in fact.”

“You have a perfectly respectable competence, care of your two older brothers. Not to mention the income from your work.”

“Who the hell told you that?”

“Ainsley, of course.”

He was truly going to have to murder his sister-in-law.

“It’s hardly a fortune. Not up to your father’s standards by a long shot.”

“It’s not up to my father. And I have money enough for the both of us.”


She pulled a face. “Why did I have to fall in love with the one man who isn’t a fortune hunter—in fact, who holds my fortune against me?”

“I don’t hold your fortune against you.”

“You do. It makes you feel unequal, or not as good in some stupid way.”

It did, but he could get over it because she was worth it. What he couldn’t get over . . .

“Sweetheart, I’m not worthy of you. There are things I’ve done, things that can never be undone.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“I have blood on my hands. Blood that can never be washed off.”

“You mean you’ve killed people.”

He nodded, hating to even say it.

“Bad people?”

He snorted. “I generally make it a point not to kill good people.”

“Then what is the problem?”

The problem was one he couldn’t put into words, especially not to her.

After several seconds of fraught silence, Sabrina came to her feet. Damned if she wasn’t studying him like a specimen under glass.