“You know she will,” Royal said.

Graeme closed his eyes, struggling with his temper. When he opened them, he met Sabrina’s gaze.

She was looking a bit crestfallen. Even sad and quite lost, truth to tell. And that made Graeme feel . . . awful.

“It’s all right, Mr. Kendrick,” she said quietly. “You don’t have to come. I’m sure we can manage things on our own.”

Graeme whipped off his hat, resisting the temptation to hurl it at the nearest vase. Instead, he scrubbed a hand over his head before turning to address the butler.

“All right, Henderson, you can load up my bag with the rest of the luggage.”

“Very good, sir.”

“Andyouwill do absolutely everything I tell you to do,” Graeme sternly said to Sabrina. “Is that clear?”

She nodded. “Yes, Mr. Kendrick.”

“Which includes not haring off alone on any mad schemes.”

“No mad schemes.” Sabrina gave him a tentative smile. “I do think it will be fun. I’ve always wanted to see the Highlands.”

Graeme couldn’t even think how to respond. They were riding into God knows what, with no plan and no help. It was the definition of insanity.

Ainsley took Sabrina’s arm. “Come along, pet. Our carriage awaits.”

As the ladies swept out the door, Royal nudged Graeme. “It will be fun, you know, especially in the company of such lovely ladies.”

“It will be the opposite of fun, and you know it.”

Angus heaved a dramatic sigh. “Fun is what ye make of it, lad. So start makin’ it.”

Graeme turned on his heel and stalked out the door.

Chapter Nineteen

The small coaching inn had fallen quiet for the night. With Ainsley and Royal safely ensconced in their room, that meant Sabrina could finally have a frank and private talk with Graeme. It was long overdue, and she wouldn’t sleep a wink until she cleared the air between them.

Since their group’s departure yesterday, Royal and Ainsley had done their best to maintain sensible and lighthearted conversations. Ainsley had related hilarious stories about the Kendrick family, including escapades by the twins while visiting Canada. It was good-natured and harmless and Graeme hadn’t seemed to mind. But he steadfastly refused any attempt to include him. With every mile north, he’d grown increasingly grim and silent.

Still, as Ainsley had predicted, their diabolical plan had worked. Once Graeme had realized that Sabrina was going to Lochnagar, he obviously felt he had no choice but to go with her. He would never leave her unprotected. Sabrina knew that for certain.

Her plan had thus far been a success, but at what cost? Even with her sitting two feet from Graeme in the confines of their traveling coach, he’d felt miles away. Sabrina was beginning to worry that she’d won the battle but lost the war.

In fact, she was beginning to doubt this whole venture—and herself. And doubting herself was a rare and unwelcome feeling.

She tiptoed down the hall to Graeme’s door, halting in front of it. She strained to hear any sound at all through the oak panels.


Perhaps she’d waited too long and the dratted man was asleep, worn out from his efforts to avoid her. He’d refused to eat with them, insisting that the ladies and Royal sup upstairs in a private parlor while he remained on guard in the taproom. Sabrina had thought it a ridiculous precaution. No one could have any idea they were on the road. But Graeme had been maddeningly insistent.

After supper, he’d practically barked at her to retire to her bedroom and lock her door. But since it was a lovely evening, she’d instead suggested they take a quiet stroll down one of the nearby country lanes, just to stretch their legs. When he’d reacted with an annoying degree of incredulity, Sabrina had protested that it was much too early for bed.

“Then read a book,” Graeme had tersely replied before stalking off to check the locks on the ground floor windows, much to the bemusement of the poor innkeeper and his good wife.

That had beenquiteenough. Sabrina was going north, and if the great spy continued to be such a grump, he could take himself back to Edinburgh forthwith.

She raised a hand to knock when the door suddenly opened. Startled, she jerked back, almost losing her balance. Graeme snaked out a hand to steady her.