Sabrina scowled up at him. “Now, see here—”

Ainsley patted her arm. “Don’t even try, pet. When our lad gets into a snit, it’s hopeless to try to reason with him. Besides,” she said to Graeme, “that’s why you’re coming with us. You’re going to protect Sabrina.”

“And I’m going to protect Ainsley,” Royal said, comically waggling his eyebrows.

“Finally, big brother weighs in,” Graeme said with heavy sarcasm. “Why the bloody hell would you agree to so deranged a plan?”

Royal clapped him on the shoulder. “There’s nothing deranged about it. Lady Sabrina wants to visit the ancestral pile, which is completely understandable since she’s already here in Scotland. And Ainsley and I thought a nice holiday would be just the ticket.”

Graeme could feel his eyeballs practically falling from his skull. “Have you completely lost your wits? And what about your children? Surely you’re not suggesting we drag them”—he stepped aside to avoid a footman carrying a teetering pile of bandboxes—“along with us.”

“Don’t be daft,” Angus said as he bustled into the hall. “I’ll be stayin’ here to look after the wee ones.”

Graeme glowered at him. “So you’re in on this, too, are you?”

His grandfather scoffed. “Yer seein’ plots everywhere. It’s simply a wee holiday.”

“You’re insane,” Graeme said before turning back to Royal. “Do you really expect me to believe this nonsense? For one thing, you never leave your children.”

His brother looked annoyed. “You know how much we love our children, but it’s been years since Ainsley and I have been alone together. I’d say we’ve earned a bit of a romantic interlude.”

His wife dramatically batted her eyelashes. “Very romantic, I’m hoping.”

“Count on it, lassie,” Royal said with a comic leer.

“Please, you’re making me ill,” said Graeme.

Angus elbowed him in the ribs. “Ye could take a few lessons in wooin’ from yer brother, ye ken.”

“Grandda, if you don’t shut up, I will toss you out the closest window.”

“Fah,” Angus replied, curling a lip at him.

Graeme scrubbed his forehead. “Where’s Victoria? Surely she and Nick did not agree to this mad plan.”

Grant snapped his fingers. “Right, Victoria is having a nap. She said to tell you good-bye and not to worry about anything. And to have fun.”

“Are you telling me Nick was in on this?” Graeme exclaimed. “I spent the entire damn morning with him, and he never said a blasted word.”

Grant frowned. “Yes, that is rather odd. I wonder why?”

Graeme flashed him a sour look. “Don’t even try.”

“You could use a little holiday, old boy,” Grant quietly said. “You’ve been working awfully hard these last several months.”

“Aye,” said Angus. “Yer tetchy. Like a fractious old biddy, ye ken.”

Graeme glared at Sabrina. “If you think—”

“Ah, Henderson, there you are,” Ainsley interrupted as the butler came down the stairs with a large carpetbag.

“Is that mine?” Graeme demanded.

“I had Henderson pack your things.” Ainsley checked her pocket watch. “Now, we really do need to be on our way.”

“I donotneed you making decisions for me, Ainsley.”

“Stop blustering, Graeme, or I will box your ears.”