Attired in the wrapper, Sabrina came out to find a steaming cup of tea and a plate of pastries on a small table by the fire.

“Wash your hands and face, and then let me comb your hair,” Vivien said. “You look like someone dragged you through a thorn bush.”

Sabrina meekly washed up before gratefully sinking into a low chair. “You shouldn’t be waiting on me, Vivien. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

“Nonsense. Besides, I’m simply dying of curiosity. Tell all, darling.”

Sabrina took a sip of tea. “That’s what I’m afraid to do.”

“I won’t breathe a word, I promise.”

“I believe you, but it’s too late. Your servants have seen me.”

Vivien carefully began to detangle Sabrina’s locks with a silver comb. “Our staff never gossip. Aden wouldn’t allow it.”


“My husband’s duties at Court require the utmost discretion from this household. There will be no gossip as a result of your visit this morning.”

“Not even from Mr. Kendrick? Or Tommy?”

“Tommy is completely reliable, as is Graeme.”

“I thought you said he was reckless.”

“Certainly not with a lady’s reputation.”

They were silent for a few moments as Sabrina ate a pastry and Vivien worked the comb through a particularly bad snarl.

“Whowereyou meeting in the park?” Vivien finally prompted.

“Tell me about Mr. Kendrick first,” Sabrina stalled. “He seems like a gentleman, although he’s rather gruff. He works for your husband, I take it.”

Vivien laughed. “That was a commendable dodge, pet.”

Sabrina sighed. “I’d like to know more, since I got the sense that my stupid accident was more than a simple inconvenience to him.”

Vivien’s hand paused. “What do you mean?”

“He seemed . . . well, frustrated. As if I’d interrupted some important task.”

“Like a mysterious assignation in the park, for instance?”

Sabrina twisted around to look at her. “You think he was meeting a lady? He gave no indication of such a thing.”

Vivien’s mouth twitched. “You don’t know Graeme Kendrick.”

Sabrina repressed a scowl as she turned back around. “He certainly didn’t seem the sort to engage in . . .”

Drat.Secret assignations. Like she’d been doing.

“As I said, Graeme can be reckless, but heisa gentleman,” Vivien replied.

“So was the man I was meeting. In fact, he’s a wealthy aristocrat.”

Vivien came round to settle in the chair on the other side of the hearth. “Why doesn’t this aristocrat simply take you for a proper stroll at a proper hour?”

“You know how hard it is to have a decent conversation with a man. Everyone isalwayswatching.”