“He does strike me as a serious, disciplined man,” Sabrina replied.

“Graeme was always a good-natured hellion, but he’s become much too serious these last few years. Fortunately, that’s beginning to change, because of you.”

Sabrina gave Ainsley a tentative smile. “And that’s a good thing?”

“A very good thing.” Ainsley cast a pointed look at the trunks. “Which is precisely why you cannot run away.”

“But if Graeme doesn’t wish to . . .”

“Oh, he wishes to. Trust me, he wishesverymuch.” Ainsley waggled her eyebrows.

Sabrina could feel herself blush. This was a rather improper and embarrassing conversation.

“Then what’s holding him back? It’s one thing to keep me from harm. It’s quite another to push me out of his life, which he has done repeatedly.”

“Because he’s a moron?”

“Then perhaps it’s best I’m leaving. One doesn’t wish to marry a moron. One might end up with frightfully stupid children as a result.”

Her lame attempt at a joke had the opposite effect, since the idea of children with Graeme brought a sudden sting of tears to her eyes. Sabrina had never been in love, nor had she ever thought seriously about having a family of her own. Now shewasin love, and she wanted a houseful of rambunctious little sons and red-haired little girls—with Graeme.

Ainsley studied her with a warmly compassionate gaze.

When a few tears slipped free, Sabrina extracted a handkerchief from the pocket of her wrapper. “I am never drinking whisky again.” She wiped her nose. “It’s turnedmeinto a moron.”

“Sabrina, Graeme loves you, but he’s frightened of hurting you—and of getting hurt in return.”

“He should know by now how I feel about him. I’ve made it embarrassingly clear.”

“Graeme is worried he won’t be able to protect you.” Ainsley pointed a finger. “Not an unreasonable concern, under the circumstances.”

“Then he should help me face the threat and solve the problem,” Sabrina groused. “Not send me away.”

“Agreed. But there’s another issue, one which is more pressing, I believe.”

“His life as a spy?”

“Actually, I think he’d happily give up that life for you, except . . .”


“Graeme doesn’t think he deserves you. He feels unworthy of your love.”

Sabrina remembered what his brother had said. “Grant suggested something similar the other night.”

“He’s a smart one, our Grant. Graeme is afraid you’ll reject him, once you really know who he is.”

“I do know him. He’s a kind, brave, and thoroughly worthy man.”

“He doesn’t feel that way. Graeme has spent years trying to make up for what he considers to be . . .” Ainsley frowned for a moment. “His failings, for lack of a better term.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I suppose Grant didn’t tell you why Graeme doesn’t think he’s good enough for you?”

“No. He said it wasn’t his story to tell.”

Ainsley rolled her eyes. “Typical. Kendrick men are also ridiculously secretive. Graeme certainly won’t tell because he’s worried you’ll think poorly of him. But I do think you need to know why he thinks that way, regardless.”