“Ye can never be too prepared,” Angus replied, winking at her.

“Grandda, best put that away,” Royal said. “We don’t want to spook anyone before we get the lay of the land.”

“I’m nae booby. Not my first rescue, as ye well ken.”

“I ken,” Royal dryly replied.

Clearly, the Kendricks had an interesting history. It occurred to Sabrina that falling in love with one of them might be a risky proposition in more ways than one.

Too late now.

“Lady Sabrina, are you truly ready for this?” Grant asked.

“I am,” she firmly said.

“You’re a brave, fine lass,” he said with a wry smile. “My brother probably doesn’t deserve you, after all.”

“Och, Graeme is the best of ye,” Angus snorted. “Now be off, while yon lassie and I do our part.”

Royal tapped his grandfather’s arm. “Take care of her. Just keep everyone talking until we find our way in.”

“Aye, that.”

When Royal and Grant disappeared into the shadows, Angus took Sabrina’s arm and led her into the alley.

She did her best to steady her suddenly erratic heartbeat. Despite her bravado, she felt monstrously out of her depth. True, she’d faced down Cringlewood and also helped rescue Tilly and Charlie. But this was different. Now she was walking straight into the jaws of a dangerous trap, one where a life was at stake.

Graeme could already be—

“Dinna think aboot it,” Angus said, cutting into her panicky thoughts. “It’s always the worst before the fight. That’s when the nerves jangle ye.”

“I’ m hoping we avoid the fighting bit.”

“Aye, bribery is good, trickery better. But if the fightin’ starts, just do as Royal said.”

“Hide under a table?” She wrinkled her nose. “That seems rather cowardly.”

“Yer a brave lass, especially for aSassenach, but yer nae used to fightin’.”

“Don’t forget that I pushed Lord Cringlewood over that balcony.”

He chuckled. “That ye did. But I’m thinkin’ ye’ll manage to talk us out of this wee spot of trouble. Royal and Grant are just for backup.”

That seemed wildly optimistic. But since she and Angus were now standing in front of the Wee Black Dog, there was no more room for doubt. They’d run out of time, and she could only pray that Graeme hadn’t.

There was just enough light from the windows of the coffeehouse to illuminate her companion’s calm features. Angus gave her a measuring look and lifted a bushy white eyebrow.

Sabrina pushed open the door and stepped down the stairs, stopping on the last one. When she cast a swift glance around, her heart sank.

Emmy stood behind the counter, grim-faced, while a bulky man with unruly whiskers kept her under guard. Old Bill sat at a table in the center of the room, flanked by two young men—very young, hardly more than sixteen. Their hard, thin features and the clubs they held in their hands more than made up for their appearance of youth.

Even worse, Sabrina didn’t see Graeme.

Angus nudged her off the bottom step and into the room.

Old Bill scowled at her from his seat. “I told ye to come alone, ye barmy chit. Who’s this old goat?”

Angus bristled but remained silent.