She clamped her hands around his head, yanked him down, and planted her lips to his. Graeme sucked in a breath, both in laughter and surprise, and the kiss turned inadvertently and immediately intimate.

And hot, so hot it practically knocked him off his feet, taking her with him. To keep from falling out the window, he pulled her tightly against his chest. Her hands slid to his neck as she stretched up to deepen the kiss.

Aye, and what a kiss it was. Sabrina had learned a thing or three about kissing during that illicit interlude in the hackney. Innocent yet bold, she explored his mouth, sending a bolt of pure lust straight to his groin.

Unable to resist, Graeme planted a hand on the base of her spine, bringing her lovely curves to his lower body. He nudged against her, his erection pressing into the slight, soft round of her belly. She trembled, gasping against his lips, momentarily freezing in his embrace.

Ye randy bastard, let her go.

Reluctantly, he was about to do so when her gasp turned into a luscious whimper. Sabrina nestled even closer as she nuzzled his mouth with sweetly sensual kisses. What little brain remained in his head proceeded straight south, focusing on the one thing that mattered—him inside Sabrina, with her body wrapped around his.

Skin to skin, and as soon as possible.

It was madness, and he knew it. He didn’t give a damn. The only thing in the world was Sabrina, kissing him with a joyous abandon that was all her, setting him on fire. If there’d been a curtain hanging in the bloody alcove he’d have pulled it shut, stripped her naked, and spread her wide, burying his face between her silky thighs.

That lascivious image dragged a groan from deep in his chest. He pulled Sabrina higher and gently rubbed against her, his cock pressing into her sweet, intimate notch. At the same time, he surged into her mouth. She trembled and dug a hand into his collar, eagerly tasting him back. Graeme ravished her mouth with hot, deep glides of his tongue. She took every bit of him, and gave it back in good measure.

And still it wasn’t enough.

Instinctively, his hand slid to her luscious backside, his fingers curling into the fabric of her dress. The material was a whisper of silk, and hardly any barrier at all to the feel of her supple body. He craved more. He craved every damn inch of her, tonight, tomorrow, and for as long as he could bloody well keep her.

He deepened their kiss. Sabrina all but climbed up his torso, clinging to him until there wasn’t a spot of daylight between them. He reveled in the swell of her breasts and the feel of her soft, delicious curves. Graeme cupped her, nudging a thigh between—

An eruption of giggles from the corridor locked them into a frozen embrace, mouth to mouth. Sabrina’s eyes popped wide with alarm.

“Hell’s bells,” complained a masculine voice. “I don’t know where you lost your confounded bracelet, Eugenia. We’ve been all over the rooms. I suppose we should check these blasted window alcoves, too.”

Sabrina squeaked into Graeme’s mouth and started to pull away.

“Hush, love,” Graeme murmured, his lips brushing her cheek. “Don’t move.”

She shivered, as if suddenly cold, but stayed where she was, securely held in his embrace.

Where she belonged.

He ignored that wild thought to focus on the couple now less than ten feet away. As usual, he and Sabrina were skirting on the brink of disaster.

“You silly man, I haven’t lost my bracelet,” a young woman chortled. “I simply wanted to get you off on my own. Perhaps we can take a little stroll about the corridor?”

The man brayed with laughter. “I say, that’s crafty of you. But the king’s about to leave, and we don’t want to miss that.”

Sabrina’s mouth puckered into a grimace.

“Drat,” said the young woman. “We can’t possibly miss that. My mother would be dreadfully annoyed.”

“Lord, I don’t need that. Bit of a dragon, your dear mamma.”

The woman laughed, her reply muffled as she and her escort retreated.

With a sigh, Sabrina disengaged from Graeme’s embrace. Regretfully, he let her go.

“We should go back, too,” she said. “His Majesty will be wondering where I am.”

Now that her lush mouth was no longer fused to his, Graeme’s brain was beginning to function again. “I suspect he won’t be the only one, unfortunately.”

Sabrina deftly rearranged the ribbon under her bodice—which, naturally, brought his gaze down to her breasts. Then she shook out her skirts.

“Nonsense,” she said. “We’ve only been gone a few minutes. No one noticed, I’m sure.”