“Don’t give up.” Perhaps she could ask Lady Reese to find Roddy a wife. Her ladyship was quite good at matchmaking.

“Are you finished, lass?” Alasdair sardonically asked. “Because Logan’s starting to look fashed by your tender leave-taking.”

Eden whacked his arm. “You, stop being such an oaf.”

Donella flashed her a smile and hurried back to join Logan. “I’m ready now.”

His smile was wry. “You’re a kind woman, love, but I hope you don’t make a habit of hugging former swains.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m a married woman now.”

His gaze flashed with heat. “That you are.”

They went out to the Gilbrides’ carriage. Logan helped her in, then climbed up and settled beside her on the plush seat. Braden took the opposite bench, and they drove off.

Donella sighed contentedly and snuggled into her husband’s arms. “Thank God that’s over.”

“Don’t ever scare me like that again, lass. I don’t think I could take it.”

“Yes, I’ll try not to be kidnapped again,” she sardonically replied.

He tipped her chin up. “Donella . . .” He glanced across at his brother.

“Don’t mind me,” Braden said. “I’m going to take a nap, and I suggest Donella do the same.” He wedged himself into the corner and tipped his hat over his eyes.

In the gentle light of the carriage lamps, Logan’s gaze was solemn. “I’m sorry for this, my love. I should have done a better job of protecting you.”

“Logan, no one could have predicted this nonsense.”

“No, but I should have been with you. I promise I will never keep away from you like that again.”

Donella curled a hand into his cravat. “I was the one who kept turning you away, remember?”

“Och, I should have climbed through your window. It worked every other time.”

There was a choking sound from Braden’s corner.

Donella did her best to ignore her brother-in-law. “Why did you stay away? It’s not like you.”

“I didn’t want to put undue pressure on you. I’d already done too much of that.”

“I thought you were having second thoughts,” she softly said.

He cupped a hand around her chin and brought his face down to hers. “Iloveyou. I started falling in love with you that first night, when we were on the run. I’d never met such a brave, bonny lass. I don’t deserve you, Donella, and that’s the truth.”

“Here, here,” came a murmur from the opposite corner.

“Braden, shut up,” Logan said, exasperated.

Donella was torn between tears and laughter—grateful tears and joyous laughter. “I love you, too. And thank you for coming to rescue me.”

He pressed a sweet, lingering kiss to her lips, then kissed her eyelids where a few tears had gathered. “I will always be there for you, my darling girl. Never doubt it.”

“I won’t.”

Logan gathered her close. “Now try to rest. We’ll be home soon.”

Donella closed her eyes.