Logan’s eyes were normally a cool blue, like a mountain lake. But now they glittered with a knowing heat that sent blood rushing to her cheeks. Memories of last night flooded her mind, unnerving her.

Joseph came to her rescue.

“No, Papa. It was . . .” He wrinkled his brow as he struggled to find the right word. “Private. About our mothers.”

If Logan was startled by that revelation, he didn’t show it. “Then you must certainly keep it to yourselves. Private conversations are always to be respected.”

Joseph rolled his eyes, his de facto response to his father these days. “I know, Papa. I’m not dumb.”

Logan only slightly winced. “You are the opposite of dumb, laddie boy. You’re the smartest one in the family.”

“Aye, that’s true,” Angus said. “The rest of us are dummies, especially your da. Just ask Miss Donella.”

“Thank you for that, Grandda,” Logan said as his son giggled.

“I hope we’re not too late for luncheon,” Donella said, hoping to divert the discussion to safer channels. “Joseph assured me there would be cakes.”

“Indeed there will be,” said Eden as she emerged from the back hall. “Nick and Victoria stopped by for a visit, and I was just about to join them and my mother in the family dining room. Would you like to come along?”

Joseph gave a vigorous nod. “Yes, please. I like your mother. She’s funny.”

Eden grinned and held out her hand. “That’s one way to describe her.”

Joseph took her hand and started across the hall, before stopping to look over his shoulder. “Are you coming, Donella?”

“Actually, son,” Logan said, “I need to have a word with her. We’ll join you in a bit.”

Donella held up both hands. “That’s not necessary, sir. I don’t want to keep you from your son. Or from luncheon.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“I am.”

Logan narrowed his gaze. “We need to talk, lass.”

“And Alec is waiting for you in the library, remember?” Eden said.

Logan snorted. “How could I forget?”

Oh, drat and blast.

Now Alasdair was going alllord-of-the-manor,no doubt gearing up for another scold—or dire threats if they didn’t fall into line.

Joseph frowned. “Papa, is something wrong?”

“Not a thing, son. Just go with Auntie Edie.”

The boy suddenly brightened. “Are you going to ask Donella to marry you?”

Donella shot Logan a warning glare that he ignored.

“Yes, Joseph. I am.”

“Can you make sure she says yes?”

Donella’s heart sank. Both their families were making it all but impossible to say no—and she was finding she had no desire to say no in the first place.

“I’ll try my best,” Logan said, throwing Donella a wry glance.