Donella took a healthy swallow, choking a bit as it went down. “At this rate, I’ll be so relaxed I’ll slide down to the floor.”

“If you do, I promise to catch you.”

And keep me, too. I hope.

“It’s not a very nice story,” she warned.

“I’m a Kendrick. We specialize in that sort.”

“By Kendrick standards, I suppose it’s probably not all that shocking.”

He cupped her chin and gave her another brief kiss. “It’s all right, Donella. Whatever you tell me, it’ll be all right.”

What sheshouldtell him is to stop kissing her. Donella made herself promise that if he did it again, she would box his ears.

Or, at the very least, give him a severe scold.

“Very well.” She took a deep breath. “My mother hired someone to kill Alasdair, and when that didn’t work, she took it upon herself to try to kill Eden. And whenthatdidn’t work, she then attempted to shoot Alasdair herself.”

Logan gazed blankly at her. “I hope you’re joking.”

“Believe me, I wish I was.”

Obviously astounded, he stared at her for several long seconds before finally replying. “I must admit, even by Kendrick standards that’s quite something.”

Donella’s heart shriveled a bit. “Yes, it’s terribly off-putting. I do understand that.”

Logan’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully; then he tipped up her chin and kissed her again.

This time, he lingered over her mouth and gently explored the seam of her lips with his tongue before finishing up with a gentle nuzzle. The kiss sent a flush of heat prickling beneath her stays, and all she could do was clutch at him, trying not to shake.

“Sir, you really must stop doing that,” she quavered after he drew back.

It was a pathetic scold. As for boxing his ears, she supposed it was no surprise that she’d lost any desire to do so.

Obviously, the sisters had been dead accurate in their assessment that Donella did not belong in a convent.

“Daft girl,” he said gruffly. “As if anything your mother did would scare me away.”

She swallowed. “This is a very improperly conducted conversation, in more ways than one.”

“You can give me an excellent scold later on that point. But for now I would be grateful if you could explain why your mother would behave in so deranged a manner.”

“Because she’s deranged?”

He winced. “Sorry. That was a wee bit clumsy of me.”

“It’s not your fault. The whole thing is so far-fetched it’s impossible to discuss in a rational manner. And to tell you the truth, I hate talking about it.”

He reached out and grabbed her glass again, handing it over. “Just tell me what you feel able to.”

Donella took another fortifying sip. “My mother was always high-strung and volatile. She grew worse after my father died, but we always made excuses for her.” She tried for a smile. “It’s rather difficult to imagine that one’s nearest relation could become so dangerously unhinged. We should certainly have paid better attention. My brother, especially, still feels terrible guilt over the whole thing.”

“Fergus does wear his heart on his sleeve. But thank God that your mother didn’t hurt anyone.”

Donella waggled a hand. “She did hurt someone.”

Logan frowned. “Who?”