He couldn’t be in the same room with her without wanting to kiss her. Claim her.

Kissing his way from her lips down her neck, he pushed her bodice down greedily and tasted her nipples again, flicking them with his tongue until they were firm.

Alice wrapped her limbs more tightly around him, pressing her heels into his buttocks to draw him nearer.

A few buttons to unfasten and he could be inside her heat.

“Alice,” he groaned against the smooth flesh of her soft breasts.

“I gather you... like my... soup,” she gasped, as he sucked her nipples.

He wanted to tease her breasts while he slid inside her, slow and gentle at first, and then hard and fast.

Teach her that first lesson in love.

Make her come for him. Come around him. Her flesh clenching his...

Her cat stared with wide, alert yellow eyes.

Kitchen... counter.

Afternoon sunlight.

What’s wrong with you? Can’t you find a bed to seduce your new wife upon? And what happened to the roses and champagne?

He never lost control like this.

He broke the embrace and smoothed her skirts down. He lifted her off the counter, avoiding her eyes.

This was completely uncharacteristic, and he had to regain at least a modicum of control.

“We’ll continue this tonight. In my bed. We’re going to make history, Dimples,” he growled.

She smiled, pleasure still hazing her eyes like a cloudy summer sky. “I’ll hold you to that, my lord.”

He helped her assemble a tray of soup, bread, and tea for Jane. She stuck some yellow daisies into a vase and placed it beside the bowl of soup.

The simple, fresh-cut flowers glowed vibrant and bold.

Just like Alice.

Nick left her in the kitchens and sent March to help her carry the tray.

He needed to go out. He’d find Lear and they’d do manly things.

Drink in a pub.

Hunt down Stubbs.

Lear and he had made some progress, and Nick was increasingly left with the idea that the person who’d hired Stubbs to impoverish him was someone skilled at hiding his trail.

Probably someone he knew and interacted with.

He couldn’t let Alice’s intoxicating kisses and tempting soup distract him into losing his edge.