“Right then.” Alice could learn the particulars later. This girl was terrified and injured in some way.

Alice was sometimes squeamish when it came to injuries. She didn’t like the sight of blood. But this situation clearly required her to overcome her fear and help this poor girl, whoever she was.

“Right then,” she repeated. “You lot stop standing about. She’ll need fresh linens and hot water. Bring some brandy as well, I’m sure you have plenty on hand, and something nourishing to eat, such as beef broth. Can you manage that?”

Nick stood frozen for a moment, as if he wasn’t accustomed to taking orders, but then he gave a brief nod. “Of course. We’ll arrange everything.”

“And if she’s severely injured or ill we will need a physician,” added Alice.

“I know just the fellow,” Nick said.

Alice squeezed the girl’s shoulders. “Come with me, love.”

Light purple eyes, swimming with tears, stared at Alice. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere safe. Will you allow Lord Hatherly to carry you upstairs?” Alice asked.

She shrank closer to Alice, her eyes huge. “No, no, no,” she muttered.

“I’ll help you then.” Alice steered the girl toward the inner door.

“Take her to the guest chamber one door down from your study,” Nick called over his shoulder as he and Lear left for the kitchens.

“What’s all the shouting about?” March appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes, his nightcap askew on his head.

“Nothing,” Alice said. “Go back to sleep.”

“Who’s she?” March asked.

“I’ve no idea. What’s your name, love?” Alice asked as they passed March and began to climb the stairs.

There was a pause as the girl fought back tears. “Jane.”

Climbing the stairs was slow going. Jane was so weak that they had to stop every second step.

What had befallen her? Alice wondered.

When they finally reached the guest chamber, Alice’s arm ached from holding Jane upright. She swiftly unlatched the door and guided Jane to a bed.

She untied Jane’s bonnet and slipped it from her head, stopping in dismay when she saw the short tufts of dark hair and the white stretches of scalp visible on her head.

“Who did this to you?” she whispered, clenching her jaw.

Jane lifted her hand to her head. “I—I don’t know.” Her eyes grew wide and panicked. “I can’t... remember. My head feels so queer.”

They’d mentioned laudanum. It would account for her stumbling speech and confusion.

“Never mind,” Alice said soothingly, loosening Jane’s cloak. “We’ll sort everything out tomorrow. Right now you should rest.”

Jane nodded. “I’m very tired.”

Alice turned down the covers and helped Jane climb into bed. “Where are you injured? Do you think you have any broken bones?” She felt her ribs and arms.

“No broken bones. Only these.” She held out her wrists. “On my ankles as well.”

Alice held a candle close and flinched when she saw the raw red marks around her wrists.

“What are these marks from?” Tears sprang to Alice’s eyes.