But there was nothing for it but to join the chase.

Nick swore under his breath as he chased his escaped lioness, Gertrude. She was being chased by a small streak of gray-and-brown striped fur, and the streak of fur was in turn being pursued by his very disheveled and cross-looking bride.

He drew alongside Alice. “Fall back,” he shouted. “Gertrude’s not dangerous but I want to secure her as a precaution.”

The only response was a narrowing of turquoise eyes as she increased her pace despite the silk skirts wrapped around her long limbs.

Nick sighed and burst past her. “Gertrude,” he yelled. “Stop, girl.”

Gertrude skidded to a halt, glancing behind warily at the hissing gray-and-brown cat.

“Easy now,” he said to Gertrude.

She plopped down on the lawn, lowering her head. She was a very old, very decrepit lioness.

He clipped the chain he held to her collar and fixed it to a nearby fence post.

The ferocious ball of fur, which he could now see was a small, tiger-striped cat, hissed and spat at Gertrude until Alice scooped it into her arms.

“Kali,” Alice scolded, stroking her cat under the chin and breathing heavily. “You naughty thing. You can’t go chasing after lions. They’re much bigger than you. Why, you could have been eaten.”

At least she wasn’t screaming hysterically, as most females would have done at the sight of Gertrude.

Perhaps she’d adapt to life at Sunderland, after all.

She glanced at Nick from beneath her lashes. Her bonnet had fallen down her back and was dangling by its ribbons, and most of her hair had escaped its pins and was tumbling over her shoulders.

Her chest heaved from the exertion of running, and her pelisse had come undone, revealing plump breasts straining over the narrow, pearl-dotted bodice of her wedding gown.

Kali settled against her mistress’s chest, the excitement of the chase forgotten in the quest for more chin scratches.

Nick couldn’t help wishing he could nestle between her breasts as well.

He raised his eyes, not wanting to be caught staring at her bosom, although it was truly magnificent and would deserve his full attention later.

“You keep a menagerie, Lord Hatherly?”

“Of only one beast.”

Gertrude flicked her tail, and Kali raised her head and growled.

“Your cat is terrorizing my lioness,” Nick said.

“Your lioness terrorized my maid.” Alice glanced toward the gate where her lady’s maid had exited, probably never to be seen again.

“Gertrude’s harmless. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’s had all her teeth filed down by her previous owner and her claws removed. Barbaric really.”

Nick patted Gertrude’s head. “All she wants to do is sun herself and eat apples from our trees.”

“She won’t harm Kali?”

“I promise.”

Alice set Kali down and the cat hissed at the lion. Gertrude cowered away from the ferocious little beast.

Kali advanced and sniffed Gertrude’s enormous paw. Gertrude regarded Kali with a funny expression, almost a smile.

The cat decided she wasn’t a threat, and promptly curled up next to Gertrude.