Chapter 3

Even young maids should study the Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage. Some learned men object, and say that females, not being allowed to study any science, should not study the Kama Sutra. But this objection does not hold good.

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

It could be quite educational as well,thought Alice.

Oh, the images his words conjured.

Naughty images... wanton imaginings.

Kshiraniraka, or milk and water embrace... the woman is sitting on the lap of the man...

She’d translated those words from the Kama Sutra last night, working by the light of a single candle while the household slept.

They’d only been words upon a page... until now.

Now there happened to be an enormous marquess sprawled next to her on a sofa, muscular arms spread wide like an invitation, whispering wickedly of having her thrust upon him.

What, precisely, did that mean? It was quite difficult translating a text about a subject of which she had absolutely no firsthand experience.

She couldn’t help being curious.

Oh no, Alice. Remember where your curiosity leads? Remember when you were seven and you tasted that orange mushroom with the white spots? Missed the county fair. Sick and miserable for a whole week.

She wasn’t seven anymore. And Lord Hatherly was far more appealing than a speckled mushroom... and probably far more dangerous to a girl’s wellbeing.

It was the way he smiled, as if he had a secret.

As if he were the secret.

The answer to all her many questions.

“What are you thinking about, Miss Tombs?” he asked in a deep, sonorous voice that harbored a rumble of amusement.

Alice startled, blushing even harder. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” She struggled to calm her rapid breathing.

Regain your composure this instant, Alice Perpetua Felicity Tombs, she admonished sternly. You don’t want to bed him, you want to bedevil him. Inspire him to leave and never come back.

She was immune to his particular type of decadence.

Well, wasn’t she? She risked a sideways glance.

No one should have a jaw so chiseled or eyes so silver. It made her almost angry how handsome he was.

His appearance is the only agreeable thing about him, and he can’t take credit for what God bestowed.

Be rid of him quickly and thoroughly.

She must marshal her thoughts to order. Lead the charge.

Hunt the hunter.

“Now then, Dimples,” he said. “Why don’t you tell me the real reason you don’t wish to marry.”

Had he called her Dimples? He was definitely going down in flames.

She flipped through her mental list of peer-dispersing tactics, hitting upon one that, while not foolproof, could be effective in this situation.