Page 149 of Blame It on the Duke

“I had one assignment, men,” Nick boomed. “Love and honor my wife. And I mucked everything up.”

“That you did,” Berthold said cheerfully. “That you did, my lord.”

“Well, don’t stand there gawking,” Nick cried. “Saddle Anvil!”

“Already saddled,” said March with another delighted grin.

They were all in on it, Nick realized.

Turncoats, he thought with affection.

You need someone to love.The duke’s words leapt to mind. Had it only been two months ago? He’d been such a blind, stubborn fool. Why had he let her go alone? He needed Alice. If she’d have him, he’d spend the rest of his days making her smile. And blush.

Within minutes, he was swinging onto Anvil’s back with his trunk strapped behind.

Anvil whinnied, ready to fly. “Trample anyone who stands in our way,” Nick instructed. “We’ve a ship to catch.”