Page 126 of Blame It on the Duke

Chapter 25

The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra: solution of riddles, enigmas, covert speeches, verbal puzzles, and enigmatical questions.

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

The war council had begun hours ago, and Alice was heartily sick of listening to the four large, imposing men argue.

They sat in the library, drinking spirits and going around and around and never deciding anything. She was in a room with what surely must be four of the most handsome men the Lord had created, and they were all as stubborn and shortsighted as they were pleasing to look upon.

Nick and Lear were advocating for the use of force, Patrick and Dr. Forster erring on the side of caution... and legality.

Alice was glad they were consulting Dr. Forster as well. He’d pronounced Mr. Stubbs to be fine, if malnourished, and prescribed some hot beef tea. Alice hoped the doctor would be a voice of reason.

“We lure Coleman out and we torture him until he agrees to release Annie, submit to monthly inspections, and improve living conditions,” Lear said, slamming a fist down on the table.

“That’s what we do. No question.” Nick’s eyes were lethal and focused. The carefree rake was completely gone. “Wish Dalton were here. He’s a good man to have on your side in a battle.”

“We can’t just beat him into submission,” Patrick said.

“Why not?” Nick asked.

“Well, for one, it’s not legal.”

“Spoken like a lawyer,” said Lear. When he shook his head, his long, dark hair fell around his collar.

“I have a patient inside the Yellow House,” said Dr. Forster. “Physicians are allowed to enter if a patient requests a visit. Otherwise the patients there never receive any kind of medical attention. I can say I’m coming at his summons, and they’ll have to let me in.”

“Perfect,” Nick said enthusiastically. “You and Patrick will rescue Annie and while you’re inside, Lear and I will force Coleman outside and deal with him in our way.”

“Nick,” Alice scolded. “You can’t solve all your problems physically.”

Nick’s gaze smoldered. “Oh, can’t I?”

She knew how persuasive he was with his body.

“And then there’s the matter of Jane,” Alice continued, ignoring the momentary flicker of heat in her belly. “If Coleman finds out she’s here, he may have already told her husband where to find her. She has to leave now.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Patrick said. “I’d best gather her new identity swiftly.”

“She leaves tomorrow morning,” Lear agreed. “I’ll see to it.”

“But where will she go?” Alice asked, looking from one glowering face to the next.

They all started talking at once then, espousing their theories for where Jane should be sent.

It made Alice upset to see them deciding Jane’s fate without once thinking to ask Jane what she wanted.

She left them arguing and slipped from the room.

She hadn’t gone far down the hall when she ran into Jane. She was wearing one of Alice’s cloaks and had a small valise in her hand.

“Where are you going?” Alice asked with consternation.

“I’m bringing too much danger to this house. I have to leave.”

“Were you listening?”

Jane nodded. “I heard the shouting and knew it must have something to do with me. If Mr. Coleman suspects Lord Hatherly is involved in some way with my disappearance none of you are safe. I must leave immediately.”