Page 124 of Blame It on the Duke

Chapter 24

The good perform those actions in which there is no fear as to what is to result from them in the next world, and in which there is no danger to their welfare.

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

Nick knew immediately what Stubbs meant. He was ready to divulge who had blackmailed him into leading the duke to the gambling hells.

His former servant looked even worse than the last time Nick had seen him in Lear’s hired carriage.

Bulbous purple nose, red-veined cheeks, and sad, bloodshot eyes.

“Come in, Mr. Stubbs,” Nick said.

“You’re just going to invite the sorry blighter in like he came for a nice cup of tea? He betrayed us!” March glared at Stubbs. “Why did you do it? Who hired you?”

Stubbs hung his head. “I’m truly sorry for the pain I caused.”

“As you should be,” Patrick said coldly. “I’m glad to see you’ve decided to make amends. I have made a full accounting of every wager, every penny you forced the duke to lose. You left a messy trail to follow.”

Stubbs hung his head even further. “I know. I wanted you to find it.”

“So you thought you’d apologize and have your old job back, is that it?” March asked. “Tell him, Your Lordship, tell him he’s going to prison for what he’s done.”

“Nick,” Alice said.

He was glad to hear her call him by his name again. He inclined his head.

“Mr. Stubbs has something to tell you,” she said. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Stubbs?”

“Make ’im pay, make ’im pay,” March shouted, hopping around, his fists in the air.

“We thank you for your vigilance, Mr. March,” Alice said with a stern frown, “but you may return to your post now.”

“Humph,” grunted March, but he walked back to the entrance and stood to one side, as a footman should.

“We’ll have a nice civilized conversation,” said Alice. “Now sit down everyone. Please. You as well, Mr. Stubbs.”

He sat gingerly on the edge of one of the velvet library chairs.

His neck cloth was gray and his cuffs frayed. His boots so scuffed and worn they were barely clinging to his feet.

“Why did you do it?” Alice asked in a gentle tone. “Weren’t you happy here?”

“Very happy, milady. Some of the happiest days of my life.”

“My husband trusted you. He thought you cared about your charge, and took your work seriously.”

“I had to do it, see?” Stubbs twisted his hands into a knot. “He has her. Coleman has her, and he told me if I didn’t follow his orders, she would meet with an accident. Accidents happen often at the Yellow House, they do.”

He spoke in a rush, his face crumpled with anguish.

“The Yellow House?” Alice asked.

“It was Mr. Coleman who arranged for me to come here. I’m not proud of what I did but I had no choice.” His gaze veered to Nick. “You always were too kindhearted, Your Lordship. I thought you’d be a nob living in opulence and caring for your servants less than you cared for a new pair of boots. I was wrong. You made it difficult for me.”

“Why don’t you begin from the beginning, Mr. Stubbs,” Alice said. “I’ve always found that’s a useful place to start. And then you’ll have a nice hot cup of tea. You look as though you could use one.”

At her kind tone, Stubbs’s face crumpled, and Nick was afraid the man might begin blubbering, as he’d done in the carriage.