Page 118 of Blame It on the Duke

“You don’t have anyone to compare me with, Dimples. So I’m definitely the best lover you’ve had.”

“You do seem rather... expert.”

“I’m going to keep you in this bed until you’re the expert.”

“I’m not sure I want to stay in your bed.”

“You’re the one who asked for lessons.”

“Yes, but they don’t have to happen all at once.” She needed time to steel herself against these forbidden feelings.

“You mean I can’t just keep you in my bed for the next month, wearing that scarlet corset?” he asked, with a wicked grin.

“I happen to believe that if one gorges oneself immoderately on pleasures of the flesh, one never truly tastes anything. It’s only a gulping, a satisfying of an immediate need.”

“Is that what you believe, sensible Alice?” He touched her cheek lightly. “That your needs and desires should be denied?”

She didn’t know what she believed when he gazed at her with such hooded, sensual eyes.

“No...” How could she convince someone like him, whose immediate needs took precedence over all else? “Think of it this way. If you stopped eating desserts for one week, the next time you tasted a cherry tart, the flavors would burst in your mouth. You would savor the flaky, buttery crust and become aware of each grain of sugar in a new way.”

“We can proceed as slowly as you want, Alice. But I never eat sweets. And you’re all the sugar I need.” His kissed the top of her head, squeezed her shoulders, and fell back against the pillows.

She was the one developing the sweet tooth.

Kali hopped up on the bed, and Alice gathered her into the crook of her arm. “How’s my baby?” she crooned. “Been out stalking lionesses?”

Kali immediately began purring loudly and snuggled deeper into Alice’s arms.

Nick scratched Kali’s chin, and their hands rested together atop her cat’s gray-and-brown stripes.

For some reason, the sight of their hands overlapping atop Kali made Alice’s heart begin to ache again.