One firm sweep of his forefinger against her clitoris while his lips resumed suckling her nipple and she came—only a small crisis, but he’d work her up to the big, earth-shattering ones soon.

“You touched me,” she said in a stunned voice. “There.”

“Shh.” He kissed his way from her dimple to her lips. He didn’t like it when women talked too much during sex. Easy enough to keep them sighing instead. “Let’s get you to a bed.”

“Mmm.” Her head dropped to his shoulder and she fell against him, still riding the pleasure.

“That was very educational,” she murmured.

“I’m glad you approve, Dimples.”

“Oh, I approve,” she said, her voice a satin whisper, sliding over his skin, making him want to slide into her.

Heat and tightness and... Alice.


Not yet.

Not here, out in the open where anyone could stumble upon them. He wanted to seduce her in a leisurely manner. He was determined to make this night memorable and special for her.

The loud sound of fists pounding on wood startled Nick.

“Hatherly!” a faint, deep voice shouted. “I know you’re in there.”


Nick would murder him with his bare hands.

“A visitor this late in the evening?” Alice asked. “One of your friends?”

Nick lifted her off his lap and lowered her to the floor. “My so-called friend Captain Lear. I’ll tell him to leave.”

“Does your butler ever do any... butling?”

“Bill? Only when he feels like it. I have to answer the door, Alice. It could be important.”

Her eyes told him he’d better be quick about it.

Nick stood and adjusted his waistcoat. “Don’t move. This won’t take a moment.”

More shouting and pounding.

“Go,” she said, giving him a little push. “Before he breaks the door down.”

Nick walked swiftly to the entranceway, eager to return to his bride.

When he opened the door Lear immediately strode into the room, bringing a cold gust of air with him.

“What the hell do you want, Lear? It’s midnight. Are you drunk?”

Lear shook his head with a sober expression in his black eyes. “I have a delivery for you.”

Nick stilled. “The one I told you about? But it’s not scheduled for weeks.”

“Had a message from Hawkins. Thought it would be the one you told me about, but it was something else entirely. I waited outside. Hawkins brought her out the back entrance. She’s in my carriage.”
