“The gown’s lovely,” Nick said. “And so are you.”

She was nervous. Actually, it was rather touching how nervous she was, twisting the silk of her loosened gown, tugging at the pearls and speaking all in a rush about poisonous mushrooms and hallucinations.

It confirmed what he already knew—she was an innocent; a bookish lady who had no idea how close he’d been to spreading her across the nearby bed and having his way with her.

Despite her request for love lessons, she required a leisurely seduction, which wasn’t a problem, because he was the master of control and finesse.

Plenty of time for sun-soaked morning and afternoon dalliances after she shed her inhibitions.

Virgins required velvety darkness and gentle kisses.

Her jittery fingers worried a pearl loose, and it rolled into a dusty corner of the chamber, her cat giving chase.

It occurred to Nick that he might find her pearl years later.

When the lady was long gone.

A luminescent memory... pearls glowing in a dark corner like her skin would glow in his mind.

You should leave now. Thoughts like that will get you into trouble.

“I’ll leave you now, Alice. I’ll return in a few hours.”

“But aren’t you... that is to say...” Eyelashes flicked toward his waist. “I believe you are in a state of...” She licked her lips. “... tumescence.”

Her gaze caressed him, her voice a husky whisper inviting him to open a few buttons and satisfy her curiosity.

It seemed his new wife was determined to progress to the bedding as swiftly as possible.

“My cock is stiff,” he said, not mincing words, “because I’m thinking about all the things I’ll do to you tonight.”

She pursed her lips and her dimples reappeared to flirt with his heart.

“Cock.” She enunciated the “ck” with a crisp emphasis. “Is that what you call it? As in a male domestic fowl.” She tilted her head. “I think I can surmise why. I have observed cocks on a farm in Pudsey become excited and aggressive when my brother set them to fighting. They swelled all red about the wattles and head.”

Nick nearly choked. “Strike that lesson from memory. I never should have used that crude word with you.”

“I do have married friends, you know. If you give the duchesses a few glasses of wine they wax positively bawdy.”

“Then nothing I do or say will shock you?”

“I didn’t say that,” Alice amended hastily. “I’m quite certain I shall be shocked several times this evening.”

“And awed. Shocked and awed.”


He shrugged. “What can I say? I’m the best there is, Dimples. That’s why you chose me, remember?”

She tipped her head down, perusing his bulge again. “I’m curious... how long does this state of swelling last? And how does it begin? Do you require physical stimulation, or would the mere sight of an ankle suffice? Mama always told me the sight of a lady’s ankle could drive a gentleman to commit unseemly acts of lust.”

Nick guffawed. “Ankles aren’t really my choice of incitements. Now your cupid’s bow lips, on the other hand.” Drawing a thumb across her lower lip, he watched her eyes haze over and her breathing quicken. “One touch and I’m drowning in desire.”

“Oh.” She exhaled, her warm breath heating his thumb where it rested in the center of her lower lip. “I think... I think I like your lips, as well.” She lifted her hand to his mouth, stroking a finger across his upper lip. “I’ve never seen a gentleman with such a pronounced curvature here.”

This questing conversation had to end, or the consummation would happen here and now, with no more preamble than this.

Nick grabbed her by the waist, spun her around, and swatted her bum. “No more lessons just now, Dimples.”