“My lord, I’m not going to shed my gown in front of you.”

“Because you can’t,” he said smugly.

“Because it’s not proper. Not in the daylight.” She wanted to have her questions answered, but only in the proper, dimly lit setting.

“No, it’s because there’s not even a slight chance you can reach those middle buttons.”

He was right, of course. With no maid, she’d never manage. She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “I’ll rip my bodice if I must.”

“And ruin your lovely wedding gown?”

He was so close now she could feel the heat from his body warming her. Solid arms circled her, reaching around to work the delicate mother-of-pearl buttons loose. The gown went slack. How was he doing that without even looking at his fingers?

“I’m London’s foremost authority on unbuttoning,” Hatherly said with a wicked gleam in his silver eyes, as if he’d heard her unspoken question.

Alice’s cheeks flushed and her heart thumped an erratic cadence.

Was his heart pounding as well?

Following an urge, she pressed her palm against his chest.

A heartbeat, fast and strong, detectable even through layers of linen.

He stilled, fingers tangled in the back of her gown, brushing the small of her back.

She met his silvery eyes.

I don’t have to wait until tonight.

Here is the moonlight.

Here the answer.

And then his lips claimed hers.