Page 99 of The Duke Not Taken

Marley reached into his pocket and withdrew a paper. “You are quite right. I was terribly remiss in failing to mention my involvement. My reasons would mean nothing to you, so I won’t take your time to offer them. The point is that I had instructed my estate agent to sell the abbey before I knew of your interest in it. My agent is nothing if not efficient, and did as I asked more quickly than I would have thought possible. The first I heard the sale had transpired was when Lady Aleksander brought it to my attention.”

“Pardon? You can’t expect us to believe that,” Lila said. “Your agent would not have made a sale of property without consultation from you.”

Marley’s jaw clenched. “One would think. But he and I have had a different sort of arrangement the last few years. He did have consultation with me, and my instructions were to proceed by any means possible. Believe what you like, but it’s the truth.” He turned his attention to Beck. “When I heard about the sale, I went to London immediately to see what could be done.”

“What could be done?” Beck asked, throwing his arms out. “Nothing!”

“Correct. I couldn’t stop the sale,” Marley admitted.

Beck snorted and looked around at the others, clearly angry. “Why are you here? To tell me what I already know?”

“I am here because there was something else I could do.”

“And what was that, Your Grace?”

Marley held up the folded paper. “I could buy it back. Which I did, and for a dear sum. One is not in a position to strike a fair bargain when the other man holds all the cards. Nevertheless, I bought that ruin and I’ve signed it over to you, my lord. You will find everything in order. You should have your school.”

Everyone on that drive stared at him as if they were waiting for him to finish the joke. It had to be a joke.

Marley, clearly uncomfortable with the attention, cleared his throat. He walked forward and held out the paper to Beck. “Mr. Donovan was very good to bring me from the train station. Please take this, Iddesleigh. I made a wretched mistake, and for that I apologize. But I hope I have righted it in your eyes.”

Beck took the paper and looked at it. “It’s the property papers,” he said, his voice full of incredulity.

“Well then. I will leave you to your guest.” Marley touched the brim of his hat. “Good day.” He walked away, in the direction of Hollyfield.

Lila was astounded. Simply, truly, astounded. She looked at Valentin.

Valentin smiled uncertainly. “What was that about?”

“Come in my good man, and we’ll tell you all about it,” Beck said. He suddenly laughed. He picked up his wife and twirled her around. “Can you believe it? Come, everyone. We must have a drink to celebrate.” He and Blythe ran up the steps into the house. Donovan followed them.

Lila hugged her husband again. “Oh, darling, I’m so happy to see you. But there is one thing I must tend to.”

She’d told the princess she wasn’t giving up. And she wasn’t. She took Valentin inside to the drawing room and excused herself. Then she hurried upstairs to tell Princess Amelia the extraordinary thing that had happened.


EVERYONEATIDDESLEIGHwas in fine spirits after the gift of the abbey was made clear to Beck. When Lila had brought Amelia the news, she’d run to the window to catch a glimpse of Joshua, but it was too late—he’d disappeared into the forest.

“Did he say anything else?” Amelia asked. “Did he ask about me?”

“Well, no, but that was hardly the place,” Lila said.

Amelia’s shoulders sagged. He hadn’t changed his mind, then. She turned away from the window. “I still hate him.”

“Oh, my dear—”

“I have to finish packing,” Amelia said, cutting her off before she could offer some bromide that would make Amelia want to break something. She went to the door and held it open. “Thank you for bringing me the news. I am truly happy about the abbey.”

Lila slowly walked to the door, but she paused there. “Do you still intend to visit the school tomorrow?”

“Je,” Amelia said. As if she could leave England without saying goodbye to Mr. Roberts and the girls.

“Will you come down for tea? Valentin has come.”

“Of course.” Amelia fluttered her fingers at the open door, indicating Lila should go.

When Lila had gone, Amelia collapsed into a chair. She felt so tired.