Page 18 of The Duke Not Taken

“I am speaking of the man who very nearly killed me.”

Lila gasped—no one had mentioned anything to her.

“No need to gasp like that,” the princess said. “He didn’treallyvery nearly kill me, but hecouldhave, and that’s the point. He rides like the devil is chasing him and is inconsiderate of anyone on the road. Or even walking along the river path.”

What was she talking about?

“I’ve worked it all out,” the princess said as they reached the road. “He’s a caretaker or something at Hollyfield.”

“Hollyfield?” This conversation was so confusing!

“Mmm. It’s a deserted mansion very near Iddesleigh. A terrible shame, if you ask me, for it looks as if it might have once been very grand. I think the Grim Reaper is a caretaker of some sort there.”

Lila’s confusion only deepened. “Hollyfield is deserted? But Beck said he’d been sending invitations to Marley there.”

The princess looked surprised. “What are you talking about?”

“The Duke of Marley resides at Hollyfield.”

The princess stopped walking altogether. “Pardon? Do youknowhim? Are you acquainted?”

“Yes—I arranged his marriage several years ago.”

Princess Amelia’s mouth gaped with surprise. “But...but he’s on the Continent. Or perhaps in America. I can’t recall what Miss Collins said, only that he deserted the house after a terrible tragedy. Did you know there’d been a tragedy? He lost his wife and baby. Isn’t it awful? Anyway, I’m certain this man is the caretaker. He wears all black and rides a black horse as big as any I’ve ever seen. And he catches his own fish.” She smiled a little and glanced away. “Imagine, catching your own fish. I think I should like to try it sometime.” She began to walk again.

Lila was trying to make sense of this. “He’s all in black, you say? Perhaps you are seeing a member of the clergy.”

The princess snorted. “He is no clergyman, I can assure you. Far too dark and dangerous.”

They’d come to the point in the road where Hollyfield was clearly visible. Lila peered at it. She was certain Marley was residing here this summer. But what the devil was the princess talking about, this mysterious dark reaper? “How long have you...” She paused, wondering how best to ask her question.

“Been strolling these roads and footpaths in search of the Grim Reaper? A few days. Because there is simply nothing else for me to do, Lila. I help with the school for an hour or so in the morning. Lord and Lady Iddesleigh are very kind, but... I think not pleased with my presence, and Blythe seems against any sort of help at all. Honestly, it’s hardly any different here than it is at Rohalan Palace, other than I am free to walk where I please.”

“I think you will feel differently about Iddesleigh after the ball. And Lady Iddesleigh, well...we talked about this, remember? Some ladies of the house do not take kindly to suggestions, no matter how useful they may be.”

“I think my suggestions are very useful,” the princess said without even a smidge of awareness.

“I’m certain they are. But, as a guest in her home, I suppose we must abide—”

“Je,I know. Iknow.No one ever wants my help in anything. I tried to help Justine with a problem she was having with one of her ladies-in-waiting. I think honesty is always best, don’t you? But one would think I’d taken the woman out to the courtyard and shot at her, the way she carried on to Justine about me.” She clucked her tongue.

“Perhaps your time would be better spent if you had something more to occupy you.”

The princess rolled her eyes. “That is what I have said repeatedly, Lila. Perhaps you ought to make notes of our conversations so you don’t forget what I’ve said.”

“I will endeavor to be more diligent in remembering.”

“All right, then, what have you in mind?”

“You’ve been so kind to offer the headmaster at the girls’ school your assistance. I understand he is bit overwhelmed with the instruction, and two new students will join his classroom next week.”

“Mr. Roberts is a bit overwhelmed by everything. Every morning when I walk the girls to school, he is looking for his eyeglasses, or the school bell, or the botany book.”

“Perhaps you might offer even more to Mr. Roberts than you have so generously done.”

Princess Amelia stared at her. “You mean toteachthem?” She laughed. “I haven’t the slightest idea how to teach them a thing! Unless it was dancing. Oh! I could teach them dancing—”

“I was thinking something more useful to Mr. Roberts.”