Page 91 of Last Duke Standing

“I think there is nothing suspicious about him.”

They both watched him laugh with Lady Bardaline.

“Is he the one?” Justine asked softly.

“Too soon!” William warned her. “Give it time, aye? The truth will come out. He’s on his best behavior this evening.”

“But I haven’t got time.”

William considered this a moment. “Then perhaps we ought to test him.”

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “How?”

“Give him different circumstances to see how he behaves. For example, he does well enough with birds, but he hardly spared Dodi a passing glance. Does he like dogs?”

Justine snorted. “That’s too easy. Everyone likes dogs.”

“No’ everyone. Would you want to be married to someone for all eternity who did no’ care for dogs?”

“No,”she said, truly horrified by the thought. “There are dogs in every room at St. Edys.”

“We might ascertain what diversions he enjoys. It is entirely possible the pair of you have nothing in common when it comes to hobbies. He might abhor fencing.”

Justine gave William an indulgent smile. “It’s not necessary for him to enjoy fencing,” she said. “Youdon’t enjoy fencing.”

“Aye, but I enjoy watching you fell men twice your size.”

“Perhaps archery?”

This caused William to turn his head and look at her. “Are you an archer?”

Justine lifted her chin. “I don’t like to boast, but I happen to be very good.”

His brows rose. “Remarkable.”

“Is it? Women can take aim, William.”

“Aye, that they can. And no’ just with an arrow.”

“You’re not an archer, either, are you?”

“You sound as if you think I could no’ hit a house if my life depended on it.”

“But you’re a very good shepherd.” She put her hand to her mouth and giggled behind it.

“Another talent we might add to your very long list—you’re a wit.”

She swallowed down a full-throated laugh. “I look forward to challenging you to a match.”

“Of wits?”

Her laughter was hard to contain. “Ofarchery.”

“I will never turn from a challenge. But the goal is to challengehim.”

She looked back across the room to Prince Michel. “So it is. Shall I invite him to come round again tomorrow?”

“I think so.”