Page 122 of Last Duke Standing

They arrived at Hamilton Palace just behind William’s sister, Lady Fraser, and her two lads. “William! We weren’t expecting you!” Susan threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “Thank God you’ve come. Mama is purchasing new rugs from Belgium.”

“I’ll have a word with her.” He introduced his sister to the Aleksanders, and together they all went in, the lads running ahead, shouting for Grandpapa.

The duke and duchess were clearly surprised to see their prodigal son and fussed over him, his mother concerned about the length of his hair, his father concerned that he wasn’t in London doing what he was supposed to be doing, and why hadn’t he sent a messenger to inform them he was coming? “What in blazes is this about?” his father demanded once the introductions were made.

William considered his family, all gathered—well, Susan’s husband, Lord Fraser, was not there, but then again, he rarely was—and decided that there was no time like the present to make his announcement. He had always subscribed to the theory that if one was to be shot, it was better to get the shooting over with rather than prolong the agony with a flowery speech. “Your Grace,” he said to his father.

His father’s eyes widened and he looked at his wife. “Must be rather serious, then, aye?”

“Papa, then,” William said. “I’ve an announcement. I’ve come to tell you that I...”

He hesitated, uncertain how to say this, exactly.

“Darling?” his mother asked.

“I am...” What was the matter with him? He couldn’t find the words to convey how he felt about Justine.

“Oh no. Will! Are youdying?” Susan whispered.

“No! Well, no’ that I am aware. I’ love. Aye, that’s it. I’ve fallen in love. There you have it.” He gave a jaunty little swing of his arm for emphasis.

He expected something in return. What he got was stunned silence.

Susan looked at their parents. They looked at her. “Who?” Susan asked for them all.

“Aye, that’s the problem. I have fallen in love with Her Royal Highness, Princess Justine Ivanosen.”

That was met with more stunned silence. And then Susan broke into peals of laughter. “Oh my! Donna tease us so, Will! You gave our hearts a fright!”

William stared at his sister, waiting for her to get hold of herself. She at last looked from him to the Aleksanders and back to him.“No,”she said gravely. “’ve no’, have you?”

“I have.”

“And she loves him,” Lady Aleksander chimed in. “It’s truly a love match. But there is the matter of this terrible rumor about him that could very well remove him from consideration. As you can imagine, the Weslorian king and queen are quite keen to have the princess marry someone with an impeccable reputation. We’ve come up with a plan to repair this, but we’ll need your help.”

“My son is in love?” William’s mother said dreamily. “I have prayed for this moment. But I do beg your pardon, madam—my son’s reputation doesna needrepair.”

“Mama,” Susan said and looked at her mother pointedly.

“I mean, not a lot,” the duchess amended.

“If I may explain,” Lady Aleksander said and stepped forward and began to talk.

When she’d finished, the Douglas family sat silently, all of them staring at the floor for a very long moment.

“Your plan, madam, is laughable,” William’s father said at last. “But it is true we have no more money to pay Mr. Simpson for his silence.”

Susan shrugged. “It’s at least as reasonable as accusing you of fathering that bairn. I’ve known Althea all my life and she would curl into a ball and die of fright if you came near her.”

“Beg your pardon?” William asked.

“Well, I donna know what else we might do,” his mother said. “Will, darling, are you certain you want to marry a princess? Might there be some...considerations? That is—”

“Mama,” William said. “I am certain. Whatever the considerations, I am certain.”

“Well, then. I suppose we must give this...plan...a go.”

“We need to get a message to Miss Simpson,” Lady Aleksander said.