“Perhaps there is a way to expose Mr. Simpson’s lie,” Lord Aleksander said.
Lila gasped. “Yes, of course, darling, you’re absolutely right.”
“But how?” Lady Iddesleigh asked.
“If someone else said they were the father of the child, Mr. Simpson would have to put his accusations in the open,” Lila suggested. “He’d have to prove it was Lord Douglas.”
“Wouldn’t he just accuse him again?” Lady Iddesleigh asked.
“Probably. But with another man swearing that he is the father, who would believe Mr. Simpson?”
“Especially if the other man was someone from whom Mr. Simpson had nothing to gain,” Lord Aleksander said.
“Like the father,” Lila added.
“I don’t understand!” Amelia said crossly.
“What about this?” Lila said. “We find a gentleman of mean circumstances to declare himself father of the child. Mr. Simpson will have two choices. He can accept it, or declare it is not true and prove that it is not. Which, of course, he can’t do.”
“And in the meantime, if we can discover the true identity of the father, Douglas can bring him forward,” Beck said excitedly.
“Yes!” Lila cried triumphantly. “He will save the poor girl and her child, unite her with her lover, expose Mr. Simpson for the swindler that he is and be proclaimed a hero!”
“Wait,” William said, throwing up a hand. “I appreciate the imagination and enthusiasm. But it seems a wee bit far-fetched to me. Might we no’ ask Ms. Simpson who is the father and bring him forward?”
“No,” Lila said, shaking her head. “Her father will say you are attempting to wash your hands of your responsibility. The real father must be brought forward independent of the Simpsons so that Mr. Simpson can be exposed as the swindler he is.”
This was ridiculous. How could something like this ever work? But then Justine realized everyone was looking at her, waiting for her to agree to this plan. “This makes no sense. Who would pretend to be the father?”
“Leave that to me,” Lila said.
“And what about the real father?” she pressed.
“We’ll find him,” Lila said confidently.
“How?” Justine insisted. “This all seems rather fantastic.”
Lila gained her feet and crossed the room to Justine. She took her hands. “Ma’am. This is the thing I do quite well. I am not going to allow some wretched father in Scotland ruin a love I have worked so hard to put together.”
“And I certainly won’t allow Robuchard to name one of his associates to be your husband.”
“Oh!” Amelia said. “Not Robuchard!”
Justine locked her gaze on Lila. She wanted desperately to believe she could do this.
“I told you in the beginning I would find you who you need and deserve. I never said it would be easy,” Lila said.
“You’d be advised to listen to my wife, Your Royal Highness,” Lord Aleksander interjected. “She is never wrong.”
Lila smiled. “See how good a husband can be?”
But William suddenly appeared at her side and put his hand on Lila’s arm. “Donna pressure her into foolishness, Lady Aleksander,” he said. “I donna know if we can find the father of the child. I donna know if any of this will work.” He put his arm around Justine’s shoulders and drew her aside. “You have your country and your throne to think about.”
“But how can I think of it without someone I love and trust at my side, William? How can I possibly be queen without someone I know who loves me? I love you. I want you to be with me. Ineedyou to be with me.”
He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “I love you. I love you enough to step aside—I’ll no’ bring more scandal to you.”