Page 116 of Last Duke Standing

Just then, a bell rang, the sound coming from the study. Seconds after that Beck came striding down the hall, passing them and disappearing into the study. Just as quickly as he’d gone in, Lila came out. “Well. You two have certainly made a cake of it, haven’t you? Please come back to the salon.”

“We were having a private conversation,” Justine said.

“Yes, we all see that. But if you could, for a few moments, at least, return to the salon.” She glanced over her shoulder to the study door.

“Aye, come,” William said and put his hand to the small of Justine’s back and guided her into the salon.

Lord Aleksander, Lady Iddesleigh and Amelia were all standing in the salon, all looking anxiously in the direction of the door.

“What has happened?” Amelia asked.

“I don’t really know,” Justine said.

She could hear the voices of men in the hall, could hear a door opening, then closing. And then Beck strode into the room. “Well,that’sdone.”

“What’s done?” his wife asked.

“Mr. Thompson has left.”

“He’sleft?” Amelia cried. “But why?”

“He had some steel to talk about or some such,” Lila said, coming in behind Beck.

Justine and William exchanged a look. This was it, Justine realized. This was the moment. If she was ever going to speak up for what she wanted, now was the time to do it.

She could feel that quake begin at her toes and start to work its way up as she turned to Lila. “You wanted me to speak for myself, madam? I am ready to speak.”

Lila slowly smiled. “And I can scarcely wait to hear it.” She began to wave her arms, asking everyone to sit.

“What are you doing?” Justine asked.

“Preparing your audience.”

“I don’t want an audience.”

“Unfortunately, you have one and you always will. Consider it good practice for the future. All right, everyone. Be calm. Your Royal Highness?”

Justine looked at William again. He was standing to the side. He looked uncertain as to what she was about, but he gave her a nod of encouragement and touched two fingers to his breast, just where his heart would be.

She didn’t know if he was telling her to have heart or that she was in his—whatever he meant, it buoyed her, and she would take all the help she was offered. She was quaking inside, and her breath was short.

But remarkably, she thought she could do this.

She had a sudden image of herself on the battlement at Astasia Castle, pleading for her life. This was obviously not as dramatic as that, but itwasher life. What she hoped would be a long one, too. And she felt absolutely right in this. She was trusting William, but more importantly, she was trusting her instincts.

She drew a breath. Amelia inched to the edge of her seat, as if she thought she might have to catch Justine should she faint.

“I was sent to England for one reason.” Her voice was, to her surprise, strong and clear. “Well, two, really. The first was to put a scandal of my own making to rest. But the second was to make a proper match. A princess cannot be a queen without a man nearby, as the saying goes.”

“I don’t care for that idea,” Lady Aleksander said.

“Neither do I, but when all the ministers of your kingdom are men, sometimes there is very little you can do about it.”

All the women in the room nodded.

“For the last two years, as my father has weakened, and I have come closer to assuming the throne...” Her hand started to quiver. She grasped it with her other hand and held tight, pressing them both to her belly. “I have been told what I can or cannot do, or say, orbe. But in this, I will not be told. Iwillhave my say. It’s my life, after all.”

It felt as if everyone in the room was leaning forward, as if they feared she was about to abdicate. Amelia especially seemed stricken. “Justine,” she said softly. “Please don’t do whatever you are about to do.”